Invest In Yourself

“The good thing about not investing in yourself is that you get to keep the money. And the bad thing about not investing in yourself is that you get to keep your problems.”

Most men who struggle with pornography addiction and other out-of-control behaviors also deal with another issue. They have a deeper-rooted problem that keeps them trapped in the cycle of addiction. Perhaps it’s an issue with intimacy or connection, or it could be significant difficulty with socializing.

These issues don’t have to be sexual in nature, either. There are plenty of roadblocks to taking control of out-of-control behavior. They may have to do with self-image, self-confidence, or self-esteem. It could be a problem with their general mental health, their work life, or their physical wellbeing. 

Whatever the problem is, if it’s getting in the way of overcoming out-of-control behavior, it needs to be addressed.

Maybe this is the case for you. If you’re a driven enough individual, you’ll make some progress on your own. You read dozens of articles, watch videos on YouTube, and even participate in an online community or two. At a certain point, though, you might hit a roadblock. No matter what you try, though, you can’t seem to make new things stick. 

Some of you may be dealing with some sort of mental health issue. You might be dealing with an issue in your relationship. You could be dealing with a career issue, a finding your purpose issue, or a health issue. It feels like you’ve done all you can but you still can’t seem to get things under control.

You’ve reached the point where it’s time to invest in yourself.

I don’t just mean investing time and attention into your efforts. I mean investing actual money into your well-being. If there’s an aspect of your life that you seriously need help in and you haven’t made any progress in years, you should seriously consider investing in that area.

My Personal Investment Story

You’ve heard at least some of my personal investment story if you’ve been around the Porn Reboot community long enough. I struggled with my dating life for years. I wasn’t terrible-looking but I was awkward. I was introverted, I didn’t know how to take action, and I didn’t know how to make myself more attractive. My self-image and self-esteem were poor.

This is probably the case for some of you, too. Some of you might look well put together on the surface. You have a great job that you excel at. Your finances are in order. You’re married to a good woman, one who takes care of you and your family. But your self-esteem is still low, right? You have self-confidence when it comes to your work, but the way you feel about yourself is terrible.

I thought I could fix that on my own in my case. I could read, take the lessons I learned, and apply them to my life. I consumed hundreds of blog posts on how to meet women, approach them, talk with them, all these different things. I applied them to my life and got some good reactions but ultimately didn’t get what I wanted: sexual experiences or a relationship.

The man whose blog I read offered a coaching service. Just like we do here with the Porn Reboot system, he gave away plenty of advice and recommendations for free but he had a paid coaching service for men who needed additional help. I finally reached the point where I realized I was one of these men and reached out for help.

This choice to invest in myself was easily one of the best decisions I ever made. It was a huge turning point in my life. I had done everything I could do but was still stuck with my addiction. There were no more blog posts that could help me solve my problem. Connecting with this man finally pushed me over that last hurdle and onto my present-day path.

What’s Your Roadblock?

What’s the thing you struggle with that’s keeping you from moving forward in life? Take a moment to reflect and look at what’s holding you back. Is it your health? Is your relationship struggling? How is your mental health? What about your overall direction in life? Determine which areas you’re struggling in and invest in yourself.

If you’re having a hard time getting in shape, hire a coach. There are hundreds of qualified nutrition and fitness coaches online who specialize in helping men lose fat and gain muscle. Taking care of your physical health comes with a ton of benefits, too. It’s not only about your physical appearance. The hard work and dedication that it takes to get in shape carry over into other areas of your life. 

If your mental health is suffering, invest in a therapist. Take the time to with a mental health professional who can work with you to uncover what’s holding you back. It might be a situational problem or you might find you have a diagnosable disorder. Whatever your specific case may be, a therapist will help you work through and learn to adapt to those difficulties.

Maybe you feel like you’re in the wrong career. You might benefit from investing in someone who is an expert at helping people discover what they’re good at. Everyone has unique skills they offer and you can hire someone to help you find out what your particular strengths are. You can take your discoveries and use them to determine a more appropriate career.

This applies to your reboot, too. Most of the Porn Reboot program is available for free online. I have hundreds of videos and blog posts detailing anything you might want to know about ending your pornography addiction and out-of-control sexual behaviors. You might need some extra accountability, though, and that’s where the Porn Reboot group comes into play. It connects you with men who understand your struggle but are serious about their reboot.

Your Future is Worth the Investment

When I suggest that you invest in yourself, do you feel you can’t afford it? I hear this often. Look at it this way, though: you’re already spending that money on escorts or OnlyFans or chat sites. Why not invest that money in yourself instead? Why don’t you divert those funds into something that’s going to have a positive impact on your life?
Find the things that are holding you back and invest in someone or something that will help you work through them. I not only do this in my own life. I recommend it to my colleagues, to the men in the Porn Reboot group, and to folks I interact with in every life. There’s nothing more beneficial than investing in yourself. The return is far greater than any other investment you could make!

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