To control the outcome of your process.
That’s why we…
Never pressure you to stop watching porn or masturbating completely - because we understand that not everyone is ready to make that decision right now. - Will never ask you to take on a specific label, declare yourself powerless, or buy into society’s conversation about porn. Instead, we EMPOWER you with the right tools.
- Don’t believe in willpower - because setting unreasonable limits and expectations has the reverse effect you want it to.
- Focus entirely on the most innovative breakthroughs in psychology and neuroscience - instead of religion, guesswork, or theory. This is a rational approach.
- Give you the support level YOU want - whether that’s an entire community surrounding you or one-on-one interaction only. YOU decide how private you want to be.
Not every man is the same. Not every situation or addiction is the same. And to force you to follow the same set of rules as everyone else going through our programs would be ignoring this… and not in a beneficial way.
There are harsh rules imposed on you – insisting that you focus on your willpower and take a hard-line approach of “all or nothing,” which leads you to berate yourself and spiral even further if you slip.
Because here’s the thing: slips and relapses happen. That’s the nature of addiction. And punishing yourself or your recovery because of them isn’t the way to grow forward – it’s the way back to where you were before. If not worse.
Even the simple act of admitting you’re powerless – a mainstay of many porn addiction recovery programs – strips you of the autonomy you have.
Is it any wonder why it doesn’t work to force you to believe you have no power and then ask you to use willpower to overcome it?
We’ve changed the narrative
because we don’t believe you have no power.
We allow YOU to decide what you want your life to look like once you’ve successfully healed from your addiction. If you want to stop consuming porn and masturbating entirely – great. We can help you do that. If you want to enjoy masturbation in a healthy way – great. We can help you do that too.
But none of our process includes stripping you of your autonomy, your power, and your ability to choose what works for you.
We all know that addiction changes your brain. But what many programs don’t do is work on changing it BACK – allowing you to live a healthy life with healthy sexual and emotional relationships withOUT the fear of your addiction hanging over your head.
That’s why we have an incredible success rate. That’s why Elevated Recovery takes you beyond being a reformed addict and into the man you’re meant to be.
Simply put: our program has proven results because we have a proven process designed to work for exactly who you are.

This program is not a service. It’s not a magic pill. It’s not a place where you’re going to lay on a couch and talk about your feelings and walk away not having taken any action.
This is compliance. This is you understanding that your behavior is out of control and that you need someone who won’t let you get away with anything less than full participation.
This is where you’ll get your behavior under control so you can get back to business.
This is where you’ll have access to the exact program you need – because it was designed specifically for men like you.
Men who understand the rules of success.
Men who understand that success requires commitment.
Men who understand that the longer they let this habit control them… the longer they risk it all falling apart around them.
You’re not in a position to play games with your recovery – and that’s why you’re here.
That’s what I do. That’s…
An Exclusive Program For The High-Achieving Man
Created specifically for the ambitious, successful, respected man who has a full life, business and career outside of his addiction.
- They’re highly driven and in control of most areas of their lives and understand that it requires work and commitment to achieve success
- They understand that they have a lot at stake if they continue the road they’re on - and they don’t want to ruin their lives because of their habits
- They have a sense of purpose that’s greater than themselves, and they look for opportunities to grow into the person they need to be to pursue their goals
- They’re willing to admit when they don’t have the knowledge necessary to quit their habit on their own - they’re open to learning new strategies, tools, and skills if it will lead to success
- They’re willing to put in the work it takes to make quitting porn a permanent and lasting change in their lives and understand the rewards that are at stake when they’re on the other side.
But if it’s not… consider that this program was not designed with you in mind.
If you’re not willing to be open and honest with yourself AND us about your situation, addiction and recovery journey… you’re not going to succeed in this program. This program requires complete transparency in order to be successful – and if you’re used to exaggerating results or not participating with ruthless accountability… you’re not a fit.
If you’re looking for a magical solution to do the work for you, this (and frankly, any) program is not going to give you the results you want.

If you’re currently addicted to substances like drugs or alcohol or have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder and are NOT currently being treated, this can NOT be your only source of recovery. Your health is critical to your success, and those that are not under the treatment of a health or mental health professional for other co-occurring addictions will not be a fit for this program.
But if you’re committed, ready, and willing to do what it takes to free yourself from your habits, grow into the man you know you can be, and finally live in alignment with the person you present to the world…
Then your first step is to get your Porn Recovery Game Plan below.
Pornography Addiction Book | LIMITED TIME ONLY
Confessions Of A Porn Addict:
7 Secrets To Eliminating Porn Addiction Forever!