The Election And Your Porn Addiction

Did you ever consider the connection between the election and your porn addiction? You might not think there’s anything there but I’ve noticed there is, and I’ve had the unique opportunity this year to observe the responses of men who still struggle with a porn and masturbation problem. 

This year has been filled with more than any of us expected. There’s the pandemic, lockdowns, riots, and, of course, this unprecedented election. The bottom line is that more men than ever are resorting to pornography, masturbation, and other forms of compulsive, dopamine-inducing behavior. These behaviors help them cope with all the uncertainty and feeling like they have little or no control over their future. 

The emotional cost of this election has been high for many men. There’s a constant flow of emotions on social media. Celebrities, so-called influencers, and everyday folks alike are shouting about their extreme opinions. The polarization in our country has never been so clear. And it does take a toll on us, right?

Regardless of who you voted for, the nation is going to stay divided. Half of the population still feels angry, upset, and cheated. Even still, there’s only so much that happens at the federal level. Your state and local government continue making decisions based on COVID-19 and the pandemic as a whole.

All of this affects you to at least some extent. It affects businesses and careers. It’s going to cost everyone a lot in the long run. No matter what, people will continue to be polarized. They’ll continue to be emotional. Many of them will still be infected with fear. Unfortunately, we can always count on the news media to continue fear-mongering and spreading confusion.

This all comes back to you and your porn addiction. If you’re using pornography and masturbation to handle overwhelming emotions, temptation has never been higher. The incredible amount of uncertainty right now probably feels like too much to handle.

I want to make it clear that for you, a man who is trying to control an area of his life, the most important vote you can make is the one for yourself. Every step that you take to regain control of your life is a vote for yourself. Controlling your sexual behavior is in fact one of the biggest votes you can make for yourself.

When it isn’t in control, it’s absolutely impossible to experience any form of sustained happiness. You’re forever stuck chasing tiny little pieces of false happiness all over the place. Even if your candidate won, basing your happiness on these external factors is always going to be short-lived.

You have to do the actual work needed to change your life. As long as you commit to the process and make enough votes for yourself, there’s no way you can’t win, regardless of what happens in the world. 

Elections deceive us into placing all our hopes and dreams for our future on some political candidate. It’s really a crazy thought if you consider it. That person is never going to personally reach out to us to guarantee us success and happiness. You’re the only person who has control over your success and happiness.

Don’t get me wrong. I know that politicians can pass regulations that affect your livelihood and mine. These decisions could destroy currency value, erode traditional values, or any other number of things. I understand the importance of politics and I realize they have their place.

My point is what you do for yourself matters far more than anything a politician can do. The plans you make, the decisions you act on, the things you do to improve your own life. So, ask yourself, have you done enough to control your own life? Or have you given your power over to the whim of the elections?

Have you been busy getting emotional, feeling triggered, worrying about your future, and letting the circumstances lead you closer to a relapse? That’s the point I’m trying to make here. That’s the important thing to keep in mind amidst all of this. You’re the only one who can take the action to control your out-of-control behavior. 

If you don’t vote for yourself, brother, no other vote you make will truly matter.

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