The Four Types of Players in the Porn Reboot Game

Before I get into the post today, I’m going to preface this by saying that I’m not a big sports fan.

I’m warning you now because I’m going to use playing sports as an analogy for your reboot. If you’re a big sports fan, though, you might think this is a terrible comparison, but I’m going to go with it.

You get another shot at your reboot every morning that you wake up. Until you’ve rewired your brain, you’re still in the game. 

The Critic

The critic is the first type of player in the reboot game. This is the kind of guy who always throws shade from the stands and disagrees with whatever is going on. He hollers at the players, argues with the referees, and complains about one thing or another the entire time,  but he’s not actually in the game.

When it comes to rebooting, these are the guys who judge other men trying to end their out-of-control behavior with pornography. He insists men who struggle with porn are losers who can’t get laid or are dealing with religious guilt. He believes that porn addiction isn’t a real problem and men who can’t control it are just weak-willed.

The critic also criticizes the process of your reboot as a whole. He watches as you improve other areas of your life from rebuilding your marriage to changing your diet, improving your financial situation to changing your community. As you’re separating yourself from your old behaviors, he’s always on the sidelines trying to drag you down the entire time.

Meanwhile, the critic often has his own out-of-control behaviors with pornography. But he’s usually in denial and convinced he doesn’t have a problem. He’s too afraid to make moves in his own life so he’ll tear you down instead. The critic might not even be aware of his issues because it’s easier to hide behind his passive-aggressive comments and victim mentality.

The Cheerleader

The second type of player in the reboot game is the cheerleader. The cheerleader is an all-around good guy. He’s always rooting for someone else to win and encouraging the players on the field. Similar to the critic, though, cheerleaders aren’t on the field themselves, but they are much more enjoyable to be around. 

Although the cheerleader is great at supporting others, he usually doesn’t carry the same enthusiasm for himself. He pushes to do their best but isn’t able to internalize that positivity and believe in himself. He’s the guy who tells himself he’s not smart or talented enough or is “too much” for people.

This self-doubt keeps him on the sidelines the entire game. Even though he’s a positive, fun guy to be around, he wastes his own life watching others go after what he’s too scared to try. While he’s terrified of putting himself out there, there are plenty of guys who aren’t as smart or talented as him but they still surpass him because they tried.

The Competitor

The next player in the game is the competitor. He’s the guy who is a fan of the motivational videos and podcasts, the underdog stories, those entrepreneurial rags to riches stories. But unlike the critic and the cheerleader, the competitor takes action and gets in the game. The competitor is the one who gets knocked down to the dirt but gets back up every time.

Though the competitor has his skin in the game, there’s still a drawback to being this type of player. The problem with the competitor is he’s inspired by that fight against adversity. It might seem like a motivational place to work from but it’s easy to get caught in this place. Instead of finally overcoming his setbacks, he’s stuck in them because they’re the thing that motivates him to work.

The competitor looks back after years of action but finds he has little to show for it. He’s been making moves the entire time but they don’t get him to the place he wants to be. The problem is he plays the game but he never plays it seriously enough to rewire his brain. He doesn’t experience that mindset shift necessary to overcome his problems.

There’s nothing wrong with fighting adversity but getting stuck here is a dangerous thing. You might have everything it takes to rewire your brain but there’s a final piece of the puzzle that’s missing. Until you can escape this mindset of fighting adversity and finally take the driver’s seat in your life, you’ll stay stuck in the competitor role.

The Champion

The champion is the final type of player in the reboot game. He is the real winner of the reboot game, the man who comes out on top and overcomes his out-of-control behavior. This is the type of player you want to be. 

Every champion starts as a competitor but not all competitors overcome their adversity mindset to make it to this point. The difference between competitors and champions is that competitors focus on adversity but champions focus on winning

Too many people get trapped in the victim mentality and vicious cycle of always overcoming adversity. They’re focused on the grind and the hustle but there’s no timeline or end goal. There’s no picture of what it looks like when you win.

There are plenty of gurus online who build their business on constantly overcoming adversity, but those gurus only build competitors. The Porn Reboot system, on the other hand, builds champions. You’re not supposed to stay around for years. You’re here to overcome your out-of-control behavior, build new habits, and move forward with your life.

Which Player Are You?

So – which player are you? Which role do you occupy? I often find that men start as a critic then make their way through each role as they work on their reboot. They begin as cynical critics, move into the encouraging cheerleader, start fighting back as a competitor, then discover they have what it takes to become a champion.
That’s exactly what our system is built to help you do. The Porn Reboot group consists of men leveling up in the world and becoming the champions they have always been capable of becoming. We want you to become the champion of your life, to take back control of your behaviors. Ready to take the next step? Join us on the path to winning today.

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