Discover 7 Secrets To Eliminate Porn Addiction Forever

Porn Addiction is NOT A Moral Problem

Porn Addiction is NOT A Moral Problem

Have you had a hard time asking for help with your porn addiction problem?

Many guys struggle with ending their out of control behaviors because too many of them view it as a moral problem. Certain therapists, counselors, groups, and approaches believe your addiction stems from a moral deficiency. This instills feelings of shame and makes it harder for you to ask for help.

They’re wrong, though. 

Porn addiction is NOT a moral problem.

Porn addiction is a BRAIN problem.

Before you can follow the Porn Reboot system, you have to change this limiting belief. You’re going to stay trapped in the cycle if you keep looking at your out-of-control behaviors as a moral problem. When you see them as a brain problem instead, you can overcome them. 

Here are three reasons why your porn addiction is not a moral problem but a brain problem.

1. Believing porn addiction is a moral problem makes the cycle of relapse harder to overcome.

If you’re trying to end your pornography addiction and sexual behaviors, you’re probably caught up in a cycle of relapse already. You’ve likely tried to stop at least a few times before. Maybe you made it 30 days, 60 days, or even 90 days, but eventually, you find yourself back where you started.

It’s not easy to escape from the cycle of pornography addiction. You’re not going to be perfect when you’re ending your behaviors. That doesn’t mean slips and relapses don’t feel like a failure, though. Relapses are discouraging when you’ve been working to stay away, but it worsens your feelings of failure when you attach a moral connotation to them.

You might tell yourself you’re a bad or sinful person for watching the type of pornography you do. Maybe, you feel like you’re undeserving of certain things because of your addiction. Whatever you tell yourself, you’re making your perceived failure worse. These inner monologues stem from believing your porn addiction is a moral problem.

Shift the way you look at it. When you realize your porn addiction is a brain problem, you can do something about it. There are changes you can make. You’re able to logically assess what happened without feeding into your false narrative. 

Relapses happen before you commit to the system. Maybe, you were stressed out. Perhaps, it was a long day and you were overwhelmed. You might have just been bored, but telling yourself the relapse happened because you’re a bad person, is only going to make it harder in the long run.

2. People have different definitions of morality.

Morality means different things to different people. Most humans have a shared sense of general morals like don’t lie, don’t kill, or don’t steal, but each person develops their own specific idea of morality over time. It’s usually based on some general rules you pick up from different places, like your parents, church, or society in general.

This is another issue with seeing your porn addiction as a moral problem. Morality varies across the board depending on who you ask. This isn’t just a religious vs. non-religious issue, either. Even religious people have different understandings of morality!

For example, there is a portion of the population who wouldn’t lie about anything. They would never tell a lie about anything at all, even if it ended up hurting other people. There are some people who would lie under certain circumstances, usually to avoid hurting a person’s feelings. Then you have compulsive liars who will lie about anything whenever they feel like it.

That’s just one example of the wide range of morality. If morals vary so greatly across the board, how can you expect to recover by viewing it as a moral problem? When you see it as a brain issue, though, it leaves little room for argument and you can make the necessary changes.

3. Moral solutions only involve two things: willpower and punishment.

The only solutions to a moral problem involve willpower and punishment. Take a Christian upbringing, for example. If you asked why you shouldn’t do a certain thing, you were probably told that you must obey to avoid being punished. Then you have to use your willpower to keep from doing that thing and getting a punishment. That’s how it worked for me growing up.

On the other hand, brain problems have many different solutions. There’s an entire, reliable system built to help you recover. Every time you apply it you know it’s going to work. It teaches you specific ways to handle your problem instead of white-knuckling your way through it. 

The Porn Reboot system helps you build a predictable system to overcome your addiction. You create a predictable, routine schedule that works for you. Your routine then becomes habitual as you implement it over time. There’s no need for willpower or fighting temptation. You’ve replaced your temptations with an effective system. 

You can’t use the system to replace a moral problem but you can use it to replace a brain problem. Instead, you’ll find you can overcome your pornography addiction and out of control behaviors as soon as you shift your perspective.



J.K Emezi

Hi! I’m J.K. I’m here to help you quit your porn and sex addiction, and achieve a healthy, happy and fulfilled life.

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