Discover 7 Secrets To Eliminate Porn Addiction Forever

Average Men Don’t Quit Porn

8 Steps Increase Your Reboot Confidence

Today I want to talk about something I don’t address often enough: you cannot live like a civilian when you’re in your reboot.

If you’re not familiar with what I mean by civilian, it’s the way we in the Porn Reboot system refer to average guys struggling with porn and masturbation. These are the men who don’t know that they have a problem or can’t figure out how to quit.

Civilians are the men who don’t get enough sleep but still hit the snooze button. They’re the men who wake up in the middle of the night with a hard-on and jerk off before going back to bed. Maybe they have porn-induced erectile dysfunction or feel depressed every day. But these men are ignorant of the fact that their lives are falling apart because of their behavior.

This is what I call the civilian, brothers. And you can’t afford to do that.

Don’t Be a “Trial Rebooter”

Too many men are what I think of as “trial rebooters.” They’re trial rebooters because while they want to quit their compulsive behavior, they also want to be a civilian. They want to stay up late playing video games or watching Netflix. They want to hit the snooze button in the morning. They want to skip a day at the gym. They want to eat sugar and carbs all day long.

But then they wonder why they can’t quit their compulsive behaviors with porn and masturbation. They can’t do it because they haven’t committed to getting rid of the things that keep them average. And this is because this lifestyle isn’t for everyone.

Does this apply to you? Have you considered the possibility that you truly can give these things up? You don’t have to live your life chained to your behaviors and at the will of your compulsive sexual behavior. You can refuse to be a trial rebooter, to be an average man who won’t take control of his life.

Commit to Being a High Performer

Even if you believe this lifestyle isn’t for you, you can become something you thought you never could be. You can commit to being a high performer. And when you finally decide to make that commitment, you’re going to change your entire life.

This means you become the guy who comes home with the energy to be fully engaged with your children and be intimate with your wife later in the night. You have the discipline to wake up in the morning and get a workout in. You develop the excitement for life to get up, go out, and crush the day.

Men who first arrive at the Porn Reboot program are often high-performing men that lost direction along the way. They’re ambitious men who simply need to learn a new set of behaviors and recommit to being the high performers they already are.

Are You Average?

Look at where you’re at right now. Are you okay with the direction your life is heading? Or do you want to make a change while you still can? If today was your last day, with the way you’re living right now, what would you be doing? What are you contributing? How are you living?

Are you addicted to sugar and video games and porn? Are you hooked on Reddit and Twitter? Are you scrolling through social media, watching video after video as your life slips away? What kind of life is that?

Take responsibility for your life. Get your finances together. Have kids and take care of your family. Go on adventures. See the world. Get into an exercise routine that you enjoy. Do something worthwhile with the beautiful life you’ve been given. Don’t waste it jerking off and playing video games all day.

Make the decision to no longer be a civilian today. You cannot afford to do that if you want to end your behavior. If you make that decision and you come into the group committed, no matter how many times you fall, I’ve got your back. The brothers in the Porn Reboot system have your back, too. Make the choice to be responsible for your life and we’ll meet you there.


J.K Emezi

Hi! I’m J.K. I’m here to help you quit your porn and sex addiction, and achieve a healthy, happy and fulfilled life.

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