Discover 7 Secrets To Eliminate Porn Addiction Forever

Life After Porn Addiction: How to Rebuild Trust In Your Marriage

A recent study performed by two professors at Oklahoma University found that divorce rates double in men that start watching porn. One of the main reasons why these rates are so high is because hiding porn addiction from a partner can feel a lot like cheating. Putting your addiction behind you and moving on to the next chapter in your life can be difficult if your partner still holds resentment and hurt for your past actions. Instead of lashing out and positioning yourself as the victim in this situation, you need to look at things from your partner’s point of view. 

You need to realize that porn addiction can lead to the trust in a marriage getting depleted. If you want to rebuild trust with your partner after porn addiction, consider the helpful information below. 

Be Willing to Set Up Boundaries

Once you seek out treatment for your porn addiction, you will have to find a way to completely retool the way you live your life. Falling back into old habits is easy if you make no discernable changes. One of the first changes you need to make when trying to rebuild trust with your partner is setting and abiding by new boundaries. You need to show your significant other that the changes in your life are real. 

This is why you need to do things like installing Internet protection software designed to track your activity online. You may also want to provide your partner with a list of your email addresses and passwords. Going to marriage counseling is also something you should volunteer to do. By establishing these boundaries and providing this information, you can show your partner you don’t intend on going back to your old habits. 

Take Responsibility For Your Actions

The worst thing a recovering porn addict can do when trying to rebuild trust with their partner is making excuses for their bad behavior. If all you provide your significant other with is excuses, they will have a hard time believing what you tell them. This is why you need to lay all of your cards on the table and take responsibility for all of the hurt you have caused. While this will require you to swallow your pride, it is worth it to keep your relationship healthy. 

Put Physical Intimacy on the Back Burner for a While 

Porn addiction can take away your ability to be affectionate with your partner without expecting sex. If you want to show your partner that your recovery is real, then you need to take sex off of the table for a while. Not only will this take the pressure off of your partner, it can also help you focus on other things besides sex. 

If you are currently waging a battle against your porn addiction, you need to realize you don’t have to do this alone. With the help of Elevated Recovery, you can put porn addiction behind you for good.


J.K Emezi

Hi! I’m J.K. I’m here to help you quit your porn and sex addiction, and achieve a healthy, happy and fulfilled life.

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