Discover 7 Secrets To Eliminate Porn Addiction Forever

YouTube Videos Won’t Help You Quit Porn

YouTube Videos Won't Help You Quit Porn

You can find just about anything on the internet nowadays. There are dozens of resources available for whatever you might want to learn. Anyone trying to end their pornography addiction or compulsive sexual behaviors will find the same is true.

Online challenges abound, from No Nut November to NoFap. You can find thousands of articles and YouTube videos from other men sharing their experiences. Podcasts are popular now and offer their own avenue of advice sharing. I’m sure you’ve tried at least a few different ways to stop but found that you’re still stuck in the porn addiction cycle.

I’m sorry to tell you, brother, but YouTube videos won’t help you quit porn once you pass a certain stage with your compulsive behaviors. That doesn’t mean videos aren’t helpful or are a complete waste of your time. After all, I’ve uploaded more than 300 videos on my YouTube channel to help my brothers in this struggle.

If you’re only watching videos, though, you’re not going to make any progress. Consuming content is only a single tool in your Porn Reboot toolkit. They’re a great source of inspiration and encouragement but they’re useless if you don’t follow them up with action.

I like to call it mental masturbation. Many men find a YouTube channel, podcast, or blog that offers great advice on ending their behaviors. They feel like watching the videos, listening to the episodes, or reading the posts will give them the tools they need. All the useful tools and strategies in the world won’t make a difference if you don’t put them into practice, though.

The Porn Reboot system is an intensive program that teaches you to rewire your brain and end your compulsive behaviors. It’s a group of men who want more from their lives than feeling stuck in the cycle of counting days before an inevitable relapse.

Some men haven’t reached a point where they can’t quit without help, though. There is a reason I upload 95% of my system to my YouTube channel. Maybe you haven’t reached the point of no return and can find the solution you need in my videos. If you’re willing to take action on the things I teach you in my videos, you can take back your life before it’s too late.


The Porn Reboot is a System

The Porn Reboot is not a book of tips and tricks. It’s not a path to quickly quit your addiction. There’s no fast track to getting well. If you’re looking for that, then my channel is not for you. 

The Porn Reboot system is a reliable, predictable, and consistent path to freedom from pornography. Let me explain how those three words are integral to the system.


The system is reliable. You’re going to get results if you take the tools I teach you and apply them to your life. If you reset your mindset you’re going to get the result you’re looking for.


The system is predictable. As long as you’re following it, you’re going to know what will happen long before it happens. This means you know when a relapse is likely to happen because you learn from every past slip.


The system is consistent. When you’re applying the things you learn you’re going to keep getting the results you want, week after week, month after month, year after year. Ending your compulsive behaviors requires consistency and that’s exactly what the system promises.

Accountability is Important

Accountability is vital if you’re trying to reboot on your own outside of the Porn Reboot group. You might be able to do it without joining but you’ll need support from another resource like our free Porn Reboot Facebook group. It not only provides you with a community but also gives you a sense of what you’re doing.

Study the System

You can’t just passively watch the Porn Reboot YouTube channel and expect to get results. Nothing will come out of you sitting back and watching a couple of playlists. Men who study the videos make progress toward ending their pornography addiction. If there’s a video that teaches a concept they don’t understand, they rewatch it and take notes. 

The system works if you embrace it but I cover a lot of in-depth information in 10 or 15 minutes. There’s a lot to grasp if you’re new or relatively new to the Porn Reboot system. You’re not going to absorb what I’m talking about if you’re not paying full attention. 

Understanding the Porn Reboot Concepts

Understanding the Porn Reboot concepts is crucial if you’re trying to make the most of this YouTube channel. I built the system around a few main concepts and I’ll share a few of those with you right now.

We Don’t Count Days

It’s natural to want to count the number of days you’ve been free from watching pornography. Counting your days is only counting towards an ideal, though. It emphasizes your addiction and takes your focus away from becoming a better man. If you want to learn more, I have a few videos explaining why it’s important not to count days.

Work With Your Brain

In the Porn Reboot system, you learn to work with your brain rather than against it. Approaches like No Nut November, NoFap, or semen retention are based on willpower. Willpower is, by definition, fighting against your brain. You won’t have long-term success if you only try to end your behaviors by fighting your brain. Learn to work with your brain by rewiring your mind through the use of the system.

Build Reboot Capital

Just as you need capital to build a business, you need to build capital in areas of your life to support your reboot. A business goes bankrupt without capital and you’ll relapse in your reboot without capital. Building capital includes caring for your health and fitness, strengthening your social life, and cultivating your spirituality. The Porn Reboot system isn’t just about quitting porn; it emphasizes at total rewiring of your brain and rebuilding your life.

More Support is Available

Have you tried applying these practices to your life a few different times but find that you’re still stuck in the cycle? You might have crossed the point of managing your reboot alone. Get in touch with me and find out whether you qualify for a spot in the Porn Reboot group. We’re an intense and driven group of men but we understand the struggle and support each other. If you think you might benefit from joining the group, reach out to me today.


J.K Emezi

Hi! I’m J.K. I’m here to help you quit your porn and sex addiction, and achieve a healthy, happy and fulfilled life.

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