Discover 7 Secrets To Eliminate Porn Addiction Forever

Porn Addiction Symptoms

Porn Addiction Symptoms

The Difference Between Porn Addiction and Other Addictions

Today’s topic comes from a few questions brought by a brother to our intensive group.

The Porn Reboot Intensive Group is a group of high-performing men who are serious about controlling their behavior with sex, porn, and masturbation. They aren’t trial rebooters or half-in, half-out – they are dedicated to doing the work required to make a change. 

I don’t often share responses to these questions outside of the Intensive Group. It’s a high-level group for only those who truly want to control their behavior. But this brother’s questions are of real importance to our everyday brothers, too, and I’m choosing to share them with you today.

“In opiate addicts, the brain is flooded with external opiates which stop the brain from producing natural opiates. This is part of what causes the extreme withdrawals that these addicts experience when they try to get clean. 

“Does the same apply to dopamine and porn addiction? Is recovery partly about satisfying the natural chemical deficit until it reaches its original levels? Is this what defines your timeline of up to two years for a successful reboot? And are there different activities that satisfy specific neurotransmitter deficits?”

Substance Addiction vs. Behavioral Addiction

This brother is comparing a substance addiction (opiate addiction) to a behavioral addiction (porn addiction). While the concept is the same, they’re two different forms of addiction which mean withdrawal is a bit different.

With porn addiction, your brain only has access to natural opiates during the moment you orgasm, but that’s it. It releases some other chemicals in the process too, like dopamine and norepinephrine. But you’re more addicted to the process of reaching that point (porn and masturbation) than you are to the climax at the end.

This is why you do things like run multiple tabs, progress in the genres of porn you watch, and even edge for hours. You’re not as concerned with the orgasm as you are with the process that gets you there. Sure, there’s a mild case of chemical deficit like our brother mentioned but the chemical reaction in your brain isn’t what you’re pursuing.

This is what makes porn addiction a behavioral addiction. Rebooting isn’t about overcoming the addiction to dopamine and norepinephrine, it’s about overcoming your addiction to consuming alarming amounts of pornography. An effective reboot involves breaking the relapse cycle and changing the habits, lifestyle, self-image issues that trigger your addiction in the first place.

Two Years to Reboot Success

He also asks about the two-year timeline for the Porn Reboot process. As may already know, it takes about a year and a half to two years for men to successfully rewire their brains. I say successfully rewire the brain because rebooting is about much more than simply quitting porn and controlling masturbation. If you make no changes beyond this you’ll end up relapsing again.

This is another reason porn addiction differs from substance addiction. For some addicts, eliminating the substance eliminates the problem as a whole. For most porn addicts, removing porn is only a small part of the entire equation. It takes a systematic approach to build the resilience and self-efficacy needed to be successful in your reboot.

The two-year timeline is based on my 10 years of experience working with men who struggle with porn addiction symptoms and masturbation. I have a lot of data gathered from every man’s progression through the different stages of the program. I’ve since used that data to inform the two-year timeline I talk about in the Porn Reboot system.

Neurotransmitter Deficits

Our brother’s final question addressed targeting specific neurotransmitter deficits. Again, his question frames things from the perspective of substance addiction instead of behavioral addiction. While you do experience certain deficits in neurotransmitters, that isn’t the main problem we’re focusing on.

At the same time, the porn addiction recovery system does address the habit and lifestyle changes necessary to reboot. We don’t look at it from the standpoint of addressing particular neurotransmitter deficits, though. The changes you make in the Porn Reboot system address the problematic behaviors that lead you to relapse.

Our system encourages you to change your morning routine, exercise regimen, nutrition, supplementation, relationships, behavior with technology, and more. We offer a curriculum and a pathway to make these changes and over time you’ll notice an incredible shift in your mindset and outlook on life.

The Reboot Recovery Difference

The Porn Reboot system asks a lot more of you than traditional approaches to recovery. At the same time, we deliver a lot more than those traditional approaches, too. Eliminating pornography and compulsive sexual behavior is only the start of the process. Recovery from pornography addiction in the Porn Reboot system dives much deeper than that.

If you follow through with the system, though, you’ll undergo a complete change in your view of yourself, your family, your friends, and the world around you. You’ll eventually lose the drive to view pornography because you realize how much better life can be without it. The quality of recovery you develop through the Porn Reboot system is unlike anything you’ve tried before, brother. Join us and experience it for yourself.


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Top 10 Porn Addiction Symptoms: Depression

Top 10 Porn Addiction Symptoms: Depression

Porn addiction is a serious problem for thousands of men around the world. I know this is true because I’ve worked with many of them in my almost 15 years of building the Porn Reboot program. It’s something that can destroy a man’s life and strip him of everything worth living for when it gets bad enough.

Pornography is a growing issue, especially for men who are exposed to it during their younger years. Excessive porn use alters natural brain chemistry and causes a wide range of negative effects. Are you wondering whether your pornography use might be a problem? Over the next few weeks, I want to cover 10 of the most common porn addiction symptoms I see among men seeking help in the Porn Reboot program. These include:

  • Loss of concentration
  • Depression
  • Lack of romance
  • Lack of achievement
  • Low energy
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Unusual porn fetishes
  • No attraction to real-life partners
  • Loss of ability to orgasm during sex

Depression is another common porn addiction symptom. It is a pressing problem for men when they first arrive at the Porn Reboot program. Months, years, or decades of porn addiction have a detrimental effect on your mindset and self-image. However, you’re likely so used to these unexplained and lasting drops in mood that you don’t realize they aren’t normal.

Well-adjusted people don’t experience frequent bouts of depression. They don’t feel tired or lethargic all the time. They don’t hate themselves or think they’re worthless. These feelings are not normal; they are signs of depression, which may be a sign of a problem with porn addiction.

It’s easy to attribute your depression to other aspects of your life, such as lack of success with women, below-average performance at work or school, or something that happened during childhood. But if you struggle with your pornography use, porn might be the true culprit.

It isn’t until you end your behavior with porn, sex, or masturbation that you can determine whether your depression is porn-induced or a true mental illness. If you’re like me, my depression was fueled by my out-of-control behavior. Still, even if your depression is naturally-occurring, eliminating pornography will make it easier to treat.

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What Are Some Porn Addiction Symptoms?

What Are Some Porn Addiction Symptoms?

Pornography is a difficult topic for people to discuss.

It’s an uncomfortable thing to talk about because it’s usually a private activity. Many people feel embarrassed about watching porn, even if it’s infrequent or they only watch “vanilla” videos. Some may even deny that they watch it to avoid judgment or misunderstanding.

But despite being a taboo topic, porn is an increasingly commonplace part of society. According to top website ranks, three separate porn sites are among the top 20 most-visited websites. Some even see more traffic than other popular sites like Amazon, Netflix, TikTok, and Reddit. About 2.4 million people access these top three sites every minute.1

High-speed internet porn has created an alarming problem in society. It’s difficult for researchers to collect exact data given the subject matter, but that doesn’t make it any less severe. Millions of people likely struggle with a secret porn addiction that seriously affects their lives. Just do a quick Google search and read the comments yourself.

How do you know when porn becomes a problem? Learning to recognize porn addiction symptoms is the first step. What are some of the symptoms of porn addiction that suggest your use may not be as casual as you think? And what can you do if you find that you’re experiencing some porn addiction signs?

Porn Addiction Problems

The term porn addiction is slightly misleading. It’s difficult to profile because use differs from person to person. Porn addiction problems aren’t as straightforward as someone who struggles with alcohol or drug addiction. It isn’t the same type of physical addiction as these substances. This leads to widespread misunderstanding and misconceptions about porn addiction. 

Many people think it is something that can be easily controlled. After all, it seems pretty simple, right? Just don’t visit those sites and the problem is gone. But it’s not that easy for someone struggling with porn addiction. It’s just as challenging to overcome a compulsive porn addiction problem. Porn addiction symptoms make it clear that compulsive porn use isn’t as controllable as it seems.

Symptoms of Porn Addiction

It’s easy to find yourself trapped in the “I can quit when I want to” thought cycle. It’s a telling sign for anyone struggling with addiction of any kind. It may seem like you’re in control of your actions but in reality, you’re stuck in the vice grip of modern-day high-speed internet pornography.2 Some porn addiction symptoms include:

  • Porn becomes the central focus of your life; if you aren’t watching porn, you’re thinking about watching it
  • Avoiding or neglecting tasks and responsibilities at work, home, or school
  • Struggling to build healthy relationships with people (especially women)
  • Using porn to cope with negative emotions like sadness, anxiety, or depression
  • Engaging in risky behavior to watch porn (i.e. watching it at work)
  • Feeling shame, guilt, or frustration about watching porn but continuing to do it anyway
  • Experiencing porn-induced erectile dysfunction (PIED)
  • Watching increasingly extreme types of pornography to achieve stimulation
  • Trying to quit watching porn and finding yourself unable to

Understanding some of the porn addiction symptoms is only the first part of the solution. Knowledge without action does nothing. The problem will continue until you’re ready to move beyond knowing how to stop porn addiction and take the steps to change your life. And Porn Reboot can help.

Porn Addiction Effects

But clinicians and researchers are making moves to expand public understanding of porn addiction. Categorized as a behavioral addiction, porn addiction can be just as destructive as these other forms of physical dependence. It can lead to similar experiences, such as the destruction of relationships, loss of employment, financial ruin, and more.

One of the primary effects of compulsive porn use is porn addiction withdrawal. This includes things like porn-induced erectile dysfunction. It takes time to work through and overcome porn addiction effects, but the sooner you learn how to stop porn addiction, the sooner you’ll begin returning to normal.

How to Stop Porn Addiction

Thankfully, the statistics listed above are proof that porn addiction problems are more common than you may think. If you or a loved one struggle with porn addiction, you’re not alone. The condition leads to fear, shame, guilt, and isolation. Asking for help for porn addiction is not easy. But the first step in how to stop porn addiction is asking for help.

Thankfully, communities like Porn Reboot exist. Porn Reboot is a proven system to help you overcome your porn addiction problems and find freedom from out-of-control sexual behavior. Our system outlines a step-by-step solution to compulsive porn, sex, and masturbation. But we don’t stop there.

Our porn addiction recovery program which is the Porn Reboot system believes you are more than your porn addiction. Ending your behavior with porn is only the beginning. The Porn Reboot system helps you rebuild and re-engage with life in a way you never dreamed possible. If you’ve tried to quit porn before and haven’t been successful, stick around. We have plenty of resources available to help you get started.


  1. Similarweb. (2022). Top Websites Ranking.
  2. Medical News Today. (2021). What to know about porn addiction.

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Top 10 Porn Addiction Symptoms: Lack of Romance

Top 10 Porn Addiction Symptoms: Lack of Romance

Porn addiction is a serious problem for thousands of men around the world. I know this is true because I’ve worked with many of them in my almost 15 years of building the Porn Reboot program. It’s something that can destroy a man’s life and strip him of everything worth living for when it gets bad enough.

Pornography is a growing issue, especially for men who are exposed to it during their younger years. Excessive porn use alters natural brain chemistry and causes a wide range of negative effects. Are you wondering whether your pornography use might be a problem? Over the next few weeks, I want to cover 10 of the most common porn addiction symptoms I see among men seeking help in the Porn Reboot program. These include:

  • Loss of concentration
  • Depression
  • Lack of romance
  • Lack of achievement
  • Low energy
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Unusual porn fetishes
  • No attraction to real-life partners
  • Loss of ability to orgasm during sex

It’s no secret that dating women or finding a girlfriend in this day and age is a challenge. The rise of dating apps and the decline of interest in commitment make for a brutal playing field. It is a disheartening game to play and men often feel like they’re at a disadvantage from the start.

This especially difficult dating world is to blame for the lack of romance in many different circumstances. But if you also have a problem with your pornography use, your lack of romance might be better attributed to porn addiction.

Exposure to pornography has serious effects on how attractive you find potential partners. Men who view lots of pornography frequently compare women they see in real life to women they watch on the screen. 

Some studies suggest that pornography can help relationships but my experience as a porn addiction recovery coach reveals the opposite. I’ve found that excessive exposure to pornography torpedos existing relationships or limits the possibility of developing intimacy in a new one.

Porn is completely void of romance. There is nothing intimate or romantic about pornography. And comparing women in real life to the women you see on the screen will only destroy your likelihood of finding and developing a romantic relationship. If you notice a lack of romance in your life, it might be time to reconsider your porn use.

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Top 10 Porn Addiction Symptoms: Lack of Achievement

Top 10 Porn Addiction Symptoms: Lack of Achievement

Porn addiction is a serious problem for thousands of men around the world. I know this is true because I’ve worked with many of them in my almost 15 years of building the Porn Reboot program. It’s something that can destroy a man’s life and strip him of everything worth living for when it gets bad enough.

Pornography is a growing issue, especially for men who are exposed to it during their younger years. Excessive porn use alters natural brain chemistry and causes a wide range of negative effects. Are you wondering whether your pornography use might be a problem? Over the next few weeks, I want to cover 10 of the most common porn addiction symptoms I see among men seeking help in the Porn Reboot program. These include:

Be honest with yourself – how much did you accomplish in the last year before finding the Porn Reboot system? I’m guessing you didn’t do much with your life outside of the bare minimum needed to meet your responsibilities. Most of the men who arrive here have very little going for themselves other than what they have to do in a day.

I know that I honestly didn’t achieve anything when I was hooked on porn. Sure, I worked my butt off for years. Anyone who regularly reads the blog or listens to the podcast knows about my extensive experience in door-to-door sales. I showed up almost every day and worked as hard as I could while I was there, but I didn’t have much to show for it.

All of my free time was spent watching porn and that carried over into every other area of my life. I didn’t excel in anything; I merely achieved average results at best. My mind was preoccupied with my out-of-control behavior so I couldn’t give my all to anything outside of that. 

On the other hand, once I quit pornography and stayed off it, I achieved more than I had in several years. My productivity was amazing, my business expanded rapidly, my interpersonal skills soared, and my spiritual growth deepened. I could focus fully on what was in front of me and concentrate for longer periods which helped me accomplish more than I realized I was capable of. 

If you notice a lack of achievement in your life, it might have to do with your porn use. Limited or no achievement comes as a result of poor mental strength and a limited capacity for success. You’ll continue struggling until you learn to control your behavior with porn, sex, and masturbation.


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Top 10 Porn Addiction Symptoms: Low Energy

Top 10 Porn Addiction Symptoms: Low Energy

Porn addiction is a serious problem for thousands of men around the world. I know this is true because I’ve worked with many of them in my almost 15 years of building the Porn Reboot program. It’s something that can destroy a man’s life and strip him of everything worth living for when it gets bad enough.

Pornography is a growing issue, especially for men who are exposed to it during their younger years. Excessive porn use alters natural brain chemistry and causes a wide range of negative effects. Are you wondering whether your pornography use might be a problem? Over the next few weeks, I want to cover 10 of the most common porn addiction problems I see among men seeking help in the Porn Reboot program. These include:

Do you feel tired no matter how much sleep you get? Whether it’s an hour because you stayed up all night watching porn or it’s one of those miraculous full nights of sleep, you may feel exhausted regardless of the amount of rest you got.

Low energy is another common porn addiction symptom. Compulsive porn use zaps you of your energy whether you realize it or not. I struggled to stay awake during the day when I watched a lot of porn. Some nights it was because I was up far too late, other times it was the residual mental exhaustion that comes from constant preoccupation with porn addiction effects.

The difference between energy levels when you are on and off pornography is like night and day. Off pornography, I’m able to put in 18-hour workdays, including two to three hours at the gym, every day. I still get a solid amount of sleep each night and then in the mornings I’m up, excited, and ready to do it again.

I understand that other things may cause your low energy levels. Disrupted sleep cycles, underlying illness, or adrenal fatigue are some factors that can seriously impact your energy levels. But if you’re dealing with an out-of-control behavior with porn, sex, and masturbation, that compulsive sexual behavior is most likely the cause of your struggles.

You shouldn’t need obscene amounts of caffeine to make it through the day. If you’re chugging energy drinks, pounding espresso, or relying on other stimulants to raise your energy levels, you might want to consider your porn use as another primary culprit.

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Top 10 Porn Addiction Symptoms: Premature Ejaculation

Top 10 Porn Addiction Symptoms: Premature Ejaculation

Porn addiction is a serious problem for thousands of men around the world. I know this is true because I’ve worked with many of them in my almost 15 years of building the Porn Reboot program. It’s something that can destroy a man’s life and strip him of everything worth living for when it gets bad enough.

Pornography is a growing issue, especially for men who are exposed to it during their younger years. Excessive porn use alters natural brain chemistry and causes a wide range of negative effects. Are you wondering whether your pornography use might be a problem? Over the next few weeks, I want to cover 10 of the most common porn addiction problems I see among men seeking help in the Porn Reboot program. These include:

One of the biggest jokes about human sexuality revolves around men who can’t last long in bed. There are plenty of reasons why some men come too fast, and porn doesn’t always have to do with it. However, if you struggle with premature ejaculation and watch a lot of porn, chances are the two are related.

A common cause of ejaculating too soon comes from training your brain to reach climax as quickly as possible. It usually begins during adolescence when you have very few opportunities to masturbate. You took any chance you could get, and it usually had to happen fast. But the longer you did this, the more it instilled the need to ejaculate fast in your brain.

Fast forward a few years, and premature ejaculation can become a debilitating pattern that affects your sexual relationships. It can be incredibly embarrassing and shameful, especially as you start to dip your toes back into building relationships and having sex with women.

Thankfully you can do something about your premature ejaculation. You’re less likely to deal with premature ejaculation as porn addiction effect and masturbation become a part of your past life. Spending more time around women and having more sexual encounters will also improve your ability to last in bed. It won’t happen all at once, and it takes time to retrain your brain, but it’s possible to end your struggles with premature ejaculation.

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Top 10 Porn Addiction Symptoms: Erectile Dysfunction

Top 10 Porn Addiction Symptoms: Erectile Dysfunction

Porn addiction is a serious problem for thousands of men around the world. I know this is true because I’ve worked with many of them in my almost 15 years of building the Porn Reboot program. It’s something that can destroy a man’s life and strip him of everything worth living for when it gets bad enough.

Pornography is a growing issue, especially for men who are exposed to it during their younger years. Excessive porn use alters natural brain chemistry and causes a wide range of negative effects. Are you wondering whether your pornography use might be a problem? Over the next few weeks, I want to cover 10 of the most common porn addiction problems I see among men seeking help in the Porn Reboot program. These include:

Erectile dysfunction is the most dreaded porn addiction symptom imaginable. The inability to get it up during sex is one of the most emasculating and disturbing things that a healthy man can experience. 

ED used to be reserved to men in the later stages of life, something we dealt with once we got older. However, with the advent of high-speed internet connections, men are consuming a lot more porn a lot earlier in their lives.

Porn-induced erectile dysfunction was likely unheard of before the age of high-speed internet porn. Most older men relied on catalogs or their dad’s magazines to find worthwhile material. But adolescents and teenagers all have phones where they can find and watch a mind-numbing amount of content in a short period.

ED is no longer something that only older men struggle with. Men who have compulsive problems with porn addiction effect and masturbation are experiencing porn-induced erectile dysfunction much earlier in life. We’re seeing young men stricken with ED at an alarming rate.

If you’re struggling with erectile dysfunction, this is one of the most pressing porn addiction symptoms. Your porn use is causing serious problems in your life that will only get worse with time. If you choose to ignore the ED or blame it on other things aside from porn, you’re setting yourself up for lasting challenges as you get older.

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Top 10 Porn Addiction Symptoms: Loss of Ability to Orgasm During Sex

Top 10 Porn Addiction Symptoms: Loss of Ability to Orgasm During Sex

Porn addiction is a serious problem for thousands of men around the world. I know this is true because I’ve worked with many of them in my almost 15 years of building the Porn Reboot program. It’s something that can destroy a man’s life and strip him of everything worth living for when it gets bad enough.

Pornography is a growing issue, especially for men who are exposed to it during their younger years. Excessive porn use alters natural brain chemistry and causes a wide range of negative effects. Are you wondering whether your pornography use might be a problem? Over the next few weeks, I want to cover 10 of the most common porn addiction problems I see among men seeking help in the Porn Reboot program. These include:

The tenth and final symptom in our series on porn addiction symptoms is losing the ability to orgasm during sex. This might be one of the worst symptoms of all. Finding no real pleasure from sex is an emasculating and alarming experience. And it likely means you’re close to developing erectile dysfunction if you haven’t already.

It’s time for you to eliminate pornography from your life if this is something you’re dealing with.

Several things occur during the onset of losing your ability to orgasm. Signs that you’re on the way include decreased sensitivity in your penis, a sharp decline in arousal with your regular sexual partners, and developing strange or unexpected fetishes. The most common indicator that you’re losing the ability to orgasm during sex, though, is needing to think or fantasize about porn while you’re actively with a woman in bed.

Once you’re at this point, brother, there’s no reason to continue watching porn. You likely have a full-blown pornography addiction at this point, whether you want to acknowledge and accept it or not. No healthy sexual being requires a virtual stimulus to perform and neither should you. Compulsive pornography use is a detriment to your life and only holds you back from everything that awaits you.

Wondering how to end your out-of-control behavior with porn, sex, and masturbation? The Porn Reboot system can help. We provide a clear-cut path to ending your compulsive sexual behavior, rewiring your brain, and building a life that is worth living. 

The Porn Reboot system is unlike anything you’ve tried before. We don’t rely on counting days, on white-knuckling, or on forced abstinence. Instead, we have a method that works with your brain and biology, not against them. If you’re ready to end your out-of-control behavior and change your life, we’d love for you to join us today.

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Top 10 Porn Addiction Symptoms: No Attraction to Real-Life Partners

Top 10 Porn Addiction Symptoms: No Attraction to Real-Life Partners

Porn addiction is a serious problem for thousands of men around the world. I know this is true because I’ve worked with many of them in my almost 15 years of building the Porn Reboot program. It’s something that can destroy a man’s life and strip him of everything worth living for when it gets bad enough.

Pornography is a growing issue, especially for men who are exposed to it during their younger years. Excessive porn use alters natural brain chemistry and causes a wide range of negative effects. Are you wondering whether your pornography use might be a problem? Over the next few weeks, I want to cover 10 of the most common porn addiction problems I see among men seeking help in the Porn Reboot program. These include:

Pornography functions by constructing a false world. It’s one where people (mostly women) exist solely as objects for the pleasure of those watching the videos. The vapid, shallow “storylines” serve as a vehicle for the entire point of porn: sex. There is nothing romantic, loving, or intimate about pornography. It’s an imaginary illusion that holds little to no weight in the real world.

But compulsive pornography use puts you in this false reality day in and day out. Your constant consumption of these videos warps your perception of how relationships and sex work in real life. Most women aren’t actually interested in doing the things you see depicted frequently in porn.

Frequent pornography use also exposes you to unrealistic standards of physical beauty. Most women in porn pump themselves up with implants and fillers, sculpting bodies that don’t typically exist in the real world. When you see video after video and image after image of these Barbie doll bodies, though, you begin to think that every woman should look this way. 

Losing interest in real-life partners is a telltale sign of pornography addiction. This was the biggest indicator that porn was a problem for me. As my porn use escalated, I completely lost all sexual interest in the woman I was with at the time. The more I sunk into my porn addiction symptoms, the less I found myself aroused by any of the women I saw in real life.

It also warped my expectations of what women should look like and the types of women that I deserved to be with. Never mind that I had no dating skills or much to offer; I believed that I needed to be with women like those I saw in the pornography I watched at home.

I see this a lot in men I work with in the Porn Reboot program. They develop unrealistic standards for the women they date while bringing little or nothing to the table. If you find yourself holding these high standards or wholly losing interest in real-life women, your porn use may be a problem.

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