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Did You Make These 5 New Year’s Resolution Mistakes?

Now that it’s officially a month into the new year, how are you progressing on your New Year’s resolutions?

It’s almost expected that New Year’s resolutions don’t come to fruition. 80% of the people who set one give up on it by the end of February. Are you veering towards being a part of that massive statistic that doesn’t follow through?

Before you read any further, I’ve got a free gift I want to give you that will help you get back on track or stay on track with your resolutions. It’s a resource I first created in 2018 with the help of a mentor of mine. I want to share it with you today so go ahead and download the PDF now. It’ll offer some guidance as you continue with or reframe your goals for 2021.

Today I’m going to explain five common mistakes I see when people set their goals for the year. I offered some advice in January that hopefully helped you stay on track so far. You might have started slipping on your resolutions, though, now is the time to step it up. If any of these apply to the goals you set, make some adjustments and keep moving forward.

1. Setting goals with no real direction

Most people set their goals with very little intention or direction behind them. They sit down to plan out their resolutions but don’t have any concrete idea of what they want to achieve. Men like you and I need direction in our lives and it’s no different when we’re setting our goals. You need to make sure you’re creating goals that have real purpose and substance.

2. Only setting one type of goal

How many resolutions did you set for the year? Of those resolutions, how many of them only focus on one area of your life? I see this all the time when I’m talking with men in the Porn Reboot group. Some tell me that their goal for the year is to have a certain number of days off pornography. Others say they want to double their income. Many want to improve their relationship. But they only set a single goal. You need to avoid a one-track mind and set goals in different areas of your life. 

3. Setting arbitrary, calendar-based goals

Some men set their goals because they feel forced to do so. They’re outlining resolutions because it’s the thing to do when the new year rolls around but they’re not committed to them. Resolutions feel like homework assignments when you approach them this way. You won’t feel driven to complete them. Look at your long-term goals instead and see whether your resolutions for 2021 fit into and support these plans. If they don’t, make some adjustments or set new ones.

4. Not sharing your goals with those closest to you

Too many men keep their goals to themselves and don’t share them with anyone in their circle. Sharing your goals is crucial if you want to achieve them. It adds accountability and places a positive sense of pressure on you to achieve what you set out to do. You don’t need to tell every person you know about your goals but you should at least share them with some of the people closest to you. This could be your partner, your best friend, or your business partner, but share them with at least one other person in your life.

5. Not knowing how to build momentum toward your goals

Too many people set goals without knowing how to build the momentum needed to achieve them. It’s easy to get distracted by the analysis paralysis phenomenon when you’re pursuing your goals. Thankfully this is the easiest mistake on the list to correct. The resource I offered above shows you how to create an action plan and set up a routine that creates forward movement. Long-term success relies on the small actions you take each day to reach your goals!

Let Us Know Where You’re At

If you set out alone this year and you’re struggling to stick with your goals, join us in the Porn Reboot group. We offer support and guidance to each other as we work to control our out of control behaviors. Let us know how you’re doing with your resolutions so far and find out where other men are at with theirs. Find the accountability and structure you need from men who understand the specific struggle you’re going through in the Porn Reboot group today.


J.K Emezi

Hi! I’m J.K. I’m here to help you quit your porn and sex addiction, and achieve a healthy, happy and fulfilled life.

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