Discover 7 Secrets To Eliminate Porn Addiction Forever


Beyond the Screen: Holistic Approaches to Overcoming Porn Addiction

In our digital age, where a plethora of content is merely a click away, many find themselves ensnared by the gripping net of porn addiction. The easy accessibility and seemingly harmless nature of pornography can make it a problematic habit to recognize and address. However, those seeking information on how to stop porn addiction can find hope in holistic approaches that view the person as a whole – encompassing mind, body, and spirit. This article delves deep into holistic remedies, guiding those on their transformative journey beyond the screen.

The Holistic Paradigm

Holistic health posits that the well-being of an individual is not just a sum of parts but a synergy of the mind, body, and spirit. By addressing all these facets, one can better understand and overcome the underlying issues of addiction.

  1. Mental & Emotional Wellness
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Recognized as one of the most effective treatments for various addictions, CBT helps identify negative thought patterns contributing to the addiction. By restructuring these patterns, individuals can develop healthier coping mechanisms.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Becoming present and grounding oneself in the moment can be a powerful deterrent against the escapism offered by porn. Mindfulness meditation guides individuals to recognize their cravings without acting upon them.
  1. Physical Wellness
  • Regular Exercise: Physical activity releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones. Establishing an exercise regimen can be both a distraction and a healthy way to manage stress, which might otherwise lead to porn consumption.
  • Dietary Considerations: A balanced diet emphasizing brain-boosting foods can enhance mental clarity and reduce the desire for short-term dopamine hits from pornography.
  • Adequate Sleep: Fatigue can reduce one’s ability to make sound decisions. Ensuring you get ample rest can bolster your resolve against relapses.
  1. Spiritual Wellness
  • Connecting with Nature: Spending time outdoors, be it through walks, hikes, or gardening, can serve as a spiritual cleanse. Nature can offer solace and a space for introspection.
  • Engaging in Acts of Service: Volunteering or helping others can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment that porn simply cannot offer.
  • Exploration of Faith or Spirituality: For some, diving deeper into their spiritual beliefs or discovering new spiritual practices can be a source of strength and guidance on how to stop porn addiction.
  1. Community & Relationships
  • Joining Support Groups: Knowing you’re not alone in your struggle can be comforting. Support groups provide a safe space to share experiences, struggles, and victories. Groups like Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) or other similar communities can be beneficial.
  • Fostering Genuine Relationships: Porn often offers a distorted view of intimacy. By building genuine relationships and connections, one can start valuing real emotional bonds over superficial ones.
  1. Artistic Expressions
  • Writing: Journaling about your experiences or even trying your hand at fiction can be a therapeutic outlet. It provides a platform to process emotions and experiences.
  • Music & Dance: Engaging in musical or dance activities can be a cathartic way to release pent-up emotions and stress. It offers a mode of self-expression and can be a potent tool against addiction.
  1. Continuous Learning
  • Educational Workshops: Attending workshops or seminars on addiction can offer new perspectives and tools to handle the issue.
  • Reading: Exploring books on addiction, self-help, or fiction can provide distractions and insights into managing one’s cravings.
  1. Setting Boundaries
  • Digital Detox: Periodically unplugging from the digital world can reduce exposure to triggers and provide a much-needed break to recalibrate one’s mind.
  • Reallocating Time: If certain times of the day are particularly challenging, schedule engaging activities. It could be a hobby, meeting friends, or attending a class.

The journey to stop porn addiction is multifaceted, and the road to recovery requires embracing oneself wholly. Holistic approaches prioritize mind, body, and spirit interconnectedness, offering tools and strategies that move beyond mere abstinence. It’s a call to transform one’s life comprehensively, ensuring that the void left by porn is filled with meaningful experiences, connections, and personal growth.

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Overcoming Family Dynamics: Embrace Personal Growth

Overcoming Family Dynamics: Embrace Personal Growth

I have another question for you today, brother. One of the men in our porn addiction recovery program which is called Porn Reboot intensive group asked:

“J.K., how do I deal with family dynamics? Most of my family is not where they want to be, or as “successful” as they want to be. How do I deal with the thought that it’s just a matter of time for me now?”


Family & Friends

Family is a challenge for every person in the world. They bring up very strong emotions, both good and bad. Your family has a lot to do with your success or failure in various aspects of your life, including your porn addiction counseling. This can be difficult to hear because I know a lot of men are very attached to and intertwined with their families.

The beliefs that I picked up from my family held me back for years in so many areas. My personal life, career, financial well-being, physical fitness, social aptitude, and more all struggled under the weight of the beliefs my family instilled in me.

One of the things that held me back most was that I always wanted to remain relatable and likable to family members and some close friends. I worried that if I lost those two things, my family and friends would treat me like an outcast. I carried a lot of shame and guilt for my true feelings instead of rejecting these self-imposed constraints and barriers.


What You Wanted

I was afraid to verbalize what I wanted. I feared pursuing the type of body I wanted, the type of woman I wanted, the type of social life I wanted. I was scared to determine where I wanted to live, how I wanted to live, the amount of money I wanted to make, and more. I was afraid to step outside the boundaries my family created for themselves and demand more from my life.

If you’re surrounded by family members who have established the same way of thinking in you, you may want to take a step back. If those family members have not arrived where they want to be, you’re not obligated to follow that same mold. You have the power to determine the changes you want to make to get where you want to go.

There are so many thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and ideas that families pass down from generation to generation. More often than not people aren’t even aware of the things they transmit to their children. You may even be doing it with your own children. Once you develop that awareness, though, it’s your responsibility to take charge of your life and make the necessary changes.

Your family and friends may push back. People who are comfortable and set in their ways often feel threatened when someone close to them decides they’ve had enough. They don’t want to honestly assess and take responsibility for their lives. They’ll project their fear and insecurity onto you and try to drag you down instead.

You have to keep pushing forward, brother. Forget family dynamics. You can want more from your life and reject the family mold while still loving them for who they are. You are not obligated to fall into the same traps they chose to fall into. You are responsible for building the life you want to live. You are the only one who can save yourself.

And who knows; you may even inspire a family member or two to step up and make changes, too.

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How to Stop Porn Addiction: Overcoming Compulsive Use

How to Stop Porn Addiction: Overcoming Compulsive Use

Pornography is a touchy topic to talk about.

It’s something that you engage with during private times. Millions of people view porn to varying degrees, with tens of thousands accessing porn sites every second. Not everyone believes watching porn is problematic, but problems do arise for some people who view it.

Porn addiction is a serious problem for an estimated 3 to 6% of the population in the United States.1 Exact numbers are difficult to come by because high-speed internet pornography took off faster than researchers could keep up. People are also hesitant to talk about porn addiction problems because of the stigma surrounding them.

But you’ll never learn how to stop porn addiction if you aren’t able to ask for help. Still, the guilt and shame that people feel about their porn use make it almost impossible to reach out. Is there hope for people with pornography addiction? It may feel like compulsive porn use and masturbation will never go away, but there are tools you can use to overcome porn addiction.

What is Pornography Addiction?

Plenty of people view porn occasionally and the wide range of internet browsing data available backs that up. Use has skyrocketed over the last few decades, spurred by a few factors. Public opinion regarding porn has relaxed significantly. Additionally, the evolution of the internet has placed high-speed internet porn into the hands of anyone with a smartphone.

While not everyone who uses porn develops a problem, some become dependent on the images and videos they consume. Pornography addiction is the compulsive and uncontrolled use of pornography. Porn addiction has become a serious problem alongside the skyrocketing rates of pornography use among the population.

Some clinicians suggest that porn addiction problems are not a “real diagnosis.” They misunderstand the impact that porn has on men, especially as it has evolved over the last few years. Porn addiction causes difficulties in relationships, careers, families, and society as a whole.

How Porn Addiction Starts

Porn addiction problems are serious and often progressive. It typically begins during adolescence, often as an accidental exposure. With the incredible amount of pornography available on even the most common of sites, it’s difficult for children to avoid it entirely.

Young boys often seek out porn to learn more about sex or to explore themselves sexually.2 The sudden rush of dopamine from porn and masturbation becomes appealing to some of these young men and they continue engaging with it.

Most don’t realize they have a porn addiction problem until it’s too late. Oftentimes it starts during adolescence and progresses during their teenage years. When most or all sexual experiences occur on a screen, though, it severely affects sexual development. This lack of experience carries into adulthood and becomes a serious and ever-increasing problem.

Porn Addiction Symptoms

How do you know when porn addiction becomes a problem? There are some porn addiction symptoms you can look for to determine whether your use has crossed the line. Symptoms of pornography addiction include things like:

  • Losing interest in sex
  • Using porn to manage or cope with difficult emotions, such as sadness, anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues
  • Experiencing relationship problems with your spouse or partner because of your pornography use
  • Watching porn in risky situations, such as at work, in your car, or another public place
  • Ignoring responsibilities to watch porn
  • Having trouble focusing on tasks and activities because of preoccupation with thinking about porn
  • Viewing progressively more intense or extreme genres of porn to feel the same sense of arousal
  • Feeling ashamed, guilty, or frustrated for watching porn but continuing to watch it
  • Spending lots of time either watching porn, thinking about porn, or feeling tired from watching it for long periods
  • Spending lots of money on pornography, chat sites, or cam sites, even at the expense of necessities
  • Watching illegal genres of pornography after “vanilla” porn is no longer engaging
  • Progressing to real-life enactments of taboo or illegal acts seen in preferred genres of porn
  • Wanting to stop using porn but finding yourself unable to

If you notice any of the signs above, you may want to reconsider your relationship with pornography. It’s easy to convince yourself that you don’t have a problem. If you aren’t able to control your use, though, and it continues to get worse, it’s time to reach out for help.

How to Stop Porn Addiction

Learning how to stop porn addiction starts with asking for help. The Porn Reboot system offers a simple, straightforward solution to your problem with porn addiction. We understand that porn is not a moral problem and it doesn’t mean you’re worthless. There is a biological explanation for your preference for porn but it’s long surpassed its usefulness.

Instead, the Porn Reboot program equips you with the tools and skills necessary to overcome porn addiction. It starts right here with you. Make the decision to reach out today and begin your journey to freedom from the grips of porn addiction.


  1. Journal of Clinical Medicine. (2019). Online Porn Addiction: What We Know and What We Don’t.
  2. Enough is Enough. (2021). Pornography.


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Overcoming Porn-Induced Fetishes: Reclaiming Natural Arousal

Overcoming Porn-Induced Fetishes

“Hey J.K., how do we get rid of porn-induced fetishes? In my case, I have fantasies of being dominated. Things like femdom, face-sitting, edging, and even pegging are a turn-on. When I hear or read the word dominant or domination, it involuntarily makes me think of femdom. And sometimes I even get a soft erection from just hearing the word.

“It makes me disgusted and yet I still find pleasure in it. I’ve started to meditate to increase my awareness of these thoughts and emotions, but every time my mind thinks of pornography it fantasizes about domination. Will this go away with time as I abstain from pornography or do I have to address it in a specific way?”

Porn-induced fetishes are a common experience for plenty of men who deal with porn addiction. I’ve written and talked about them in the past, offering various techniques for overcoming them. As you get deeper into your compulsive porn use, you must seek out more extreme genres to achieve arousal. This usually means finding yourself watching increasingly questionable types of pornography, things you may not have imagined yourself interested in.

Over time, these varying kinds of pornography can affect your arousal template. You might find yourself stimulated by acts that you were never intrigued by in the past. This is exactly what this brother is experiencing now with his femdom fantasies. 

Before I go further, I want to point out that there’s nothing wrong with fetishes. Human sexual behavior covers a vast range of interests, fantasies, and fetishes, and you’ll learn to be comfortable with your preferences as you reboot. Today I’m talking about those that are strictly porn-induced, not those that are a genuine part of your sexuality.

I also want to reassure you that you can overcome porn-induced fetishes. More often than not they aren’t a permanent thing. Time away from porn should help you return to your normal arousal template. If you commit to the reboot process you’ll find that you can overcome a lot more than you ever imagined.

Developing awareness is the primary way to work through your unwanted porn-induced fetishes. Self-awareness is key to separating your natural sexual interests from those that arose as a result of your porn addiction. Learning to recognize feelings you experience when thinking about different sexual experiences is key to this process.

For example, porn-induced fetishes cause feelings of shame, regret, and disgust. If you notice any of these arising, you’re likely dealing with one that’s porn addiction problems. The more you learn about yourself and the more you remove porn from your life, the easier it will be to separate the two.

This awareness comes as part of the reboot process. It takes time to figure out what parts are leftover from your porn addiction and what parts are your natural arousal template. As you stick with the system, though, you develop clarity of mind and body. You recognize what is and isn’t for you. And it’s not because you’re fighting your brain; it’s because you’re working with it.

Once you’re fully rebooted, you’ll find that fetishes that left you feeling disgusted with yourself are no longer a part of your life. You won’t feel that small bit of excitement like our brother does when he hears the word “dominant.” Those old fetishes will no longer have power over you and you’ll get to walk the world a free man. This incredible gift is only one of the many things you’ll find as part of the process in Porn Reboot.

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Overcoming the Alarming Porn Addiction Effects

Overcoming the Alarming Porn Addiction Effects

You read that right – kids and adults.

You have to consider all ages when considering porn addiction effects. It’s horrifying to think that kids have seen pornographic images and videos, but that is the reality for millions of young people. Statistics show that 1 in 10 children under the age of 10 has been exposed to pornography. Further, 93% of boys and 62% of girls have viewed internet porn before the age of 18.

Exposure to pornography during adolescence can cause a range of difficulties, including porn addiction. And oftentimes the porn addiction effects experienced in adulthood are the result of viewing pornography during formative adolescent years. The effects of porn addiction can cause lasting damage to a person’s relationship, career, and more.

What are some porn addiction effects? How do porn addiction problems develop? When you struggle with pornography addiction, is there hope? Thankfully, learning more about the effects of porn addiction is the first step toward finding help.

How Porn Addiction Develops

Porn used to be difficult to come by, especially for young people. You had to purchase a magazine or rent a video from an adult store but that was about as far as your options went. With the advent of the internet, though, pornography became easier to access. As internet speeds increased, so did access to an ever-expanding library of porn.

Porn addiction problems don’t develop overnight, though. Most people don’t find themselves hooked the first time they open up a browser tab. Instead, it’s something that sets in over time. What starts as an innocent way to get off can eventually become a bigger problem than you realize.

For example, some young men begin viewing pornography around the time puberty starts. It serves as a way to learn about sex in the privacy of their bedroom. However, while porn never becomes a problem for some, it becomes a go-to dopamine release and coping mechanism for others. It’s an on-demand way to feel good. Learning this at a young age and relying on it to cope with challenging emotions creates long-term porn addiction effects.

Porn Addiction Effects

Porn addiction affects all types of men from all walks of life. Young or old, rich or poor. It doesn’t care about your location, your career, or your family; it seeks to destroy you just the same. Porn addiction effects can range from mild to severe and depend on a wide range of factors. For example, a 17-year-old will not experience the same effects as a 52-year-old business executive. 

However, one of the most common porn addiction effects are the overwhelming feelings of shame and guilt. It’s hard for men to believe they could ever find themselves struggling with a porn addiction problem. And as porn use progresses, these feelings intensify. This is especially true for men who prefer extreme or even illegal genres. 

There are many more effects of porn addiction. Some men blow massive business opportunities or ruin their careers. Others destroy their marriages or harm their relationships with their children. Plenty of men sacrifice their financial stability, standing in their community, self-esteem, and more because of the effects of porn addiction.

Pornography Addiction: Is There Hope?

Considering the wide range of detrimental effects of pornography addiction, it’s difficult to see how there can be hope. If you’ve tried quitting porn for years and been unsuccessful, you may feel tempted to believe that you’ll never get over the problem. Porn addiction is an isolating and complicated condition, one that many doctors and psychologists still don’t completely understand.

Thankfully, there are some solutions once you start to notice pornography addiction symptoms. Porn doesn’t have to be the end of the road. You have various options available if you want to stop viewing porn or dealing with other compulsive sexual behaviors. These include things like porn addiction counseling, porn addiction recovery, and the Porn Reboot system.

Porn Addiction Counseling

Porn addiction counseling is an option offered by some traditional counselors and therapists. However, not all of these professionals understand the intricacies of out-of-control sexual behavior. They may offer some conflicting guidance or even suggest that porn addiction is not a “real” problem. Take caution when seeking porn addiction counseling to ensure you find a provider that recognizes the porn addiction problems.

Porn Addiction Recovery

Porn addiction recovery through groups like 12-step programs is another option for treating porn addiction. They outline a path to recovery from porn addiction to keep you porn-free for the rest of your life. Some people find this approach beneficial and enjoy the community they find among porn addiction recovery groups.

Porn Reboot System

The Porn Reboot system is a proprietary approach to porn addiction recovery. It is a method tried and tested by hundreds of men over the last decade. Instead of using traditional therapeutic methods, the Porn Reboot system details a path to rebuild your life without needing to rely on porn to get by.

However, Porn Reboot is about more than quitting porn. It’s about building a life where porn addiction problems are no longer an issue. You won’t need to count days or spend your life in meetings. Instead, you’ll develop and enrich the areas of your life that your porn use held you back from. From your physical to spiritual to social well-being and beyond, Porn Reboot equips you with a solution that runs much deeper than porn addiction effects.


  1. NetNanny. (2017). The Detrimental Effects of Pornography on Small Children.
  2. The Family & Youth Institute. (2016). Teens and Porn: 10 Stats You Need to Know.

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Change Mindset: Overcoming Porn Addiction for a Better Life

Change Mindset: Overcoming Porn Addiction for a Better Life

Brother, I want to talk to you about something that’s affecting a lot of men these days – porn addiction. I know it’s not an easy topic to discuss, but it’s important to address it because it can have a significant impact on your mental health and relationships.

Firstly, let’s talk about what porn addiction is. It’s a condition where a person has an uncontrollable urge to view pornography, often leading to compulsive and excessive use. Porn addiction can lead to a range of negative consequences, including relationship problems, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

Now, let’s talk about why porn addiction is so prevalent today. With the widespread availability of the internet and smartphones, accessing pornography has become easier than ever. Moreover, many people view pornography as a harmless and acceptable form of entertainment, not realizing the harm it can cause.

Let me level with you real quick. Porn addiction is a straight-up trap, my dude. It’s all fun and games until you find yourself deep in the rabbit hole, feeling like you can’t get out. You might think it’s harmless or just a way to blow off some steam, but let me tell you, it can mess you up big time.

First of all, let’s talk about your brain. When you’re watching porn, your brain releases a ton of dopamine, which is basically a chemical that makes you feel good. But the thing is, your brain gets used to this rush of dopamine, and it starts to crave it more and more. Before you know it, you’re addicted and you can’t get that same feeling from anything else.

And let’s not forget about the impact porn can have on your relationships, man. If you’re constantly watching porn, it can make you feel disconnected from your partner and can even lead to erectile dysfunction. Plus, it’s just not fair to your partner if you’re getting all your sexual needs met through a computer screen.

But maybe the scariest part of all is the way porn can warp your view of sex and relationships. Constantly seeing unrealistic images of men and women in pornography can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. It can make you believe that you’re not attractive or desirable enough, leading to further negative thoughts and behaviors.

So, what can you do about it? Well, the first step is to recognize that you have a problem. It takes a lot of courage to admit that you’re addicted to something, but it’s the only way you can start to make a change. From there, it’s all about taking small steps to break the addiction.

But the truth is that porn addiction is a serious problem that can have lasting effects on your well-being. Here are some of the ways that porn addiction can harm you:

Health problems

Porn addiction can also have physical health consequences. Excessive use can lead to problems such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and loss of libido. It can also lead to poor sleep patterns, fatigue, and other health issues.

Mental health problems

Porn addiction can also have a significant impact on your mental health. It can lead to depression, anxiety, and feelings of isolation and loneliness. It can also make it difficult to concentrate and perform well at work or school.

Hey man, if you’re feeling like porn has taken over your life, there are some things you can do to take control. Here are a few steps you can take:

First off, it’s important to admit to yourself that you have a problem. It’s not easy to do, but it’s the first step in overcoming any addiction.

Next, consider seeking professional help. There are plenty of resources out there, like therapy, support groups, and Porn Reboot, that can give you the guidance and support you need to make positive changes.

Developing healthy habits like exercise, meditation, and mindfulness can also be really helpful in coping with the stress and anxiety that can come with addiction. Plus, they’ll help you build a more positive self-image and improve your overall well-being.

It’s also important to try to limit your exposure to pornography. This might mean setting limits on your internet and smartphone usage or avoiding triggers like certain websites or social media accounts.

Finally, building a support network can make a big difference. Surrounding yourself with people who understand what you’re going through and support your journey can be a huge help. Joining a support group or online community can give you a sense of belonging and accountability. Remember, you’re not alone, brother.

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Overcoming Unwanted Fantasies

Overcoming Unwanted Fantasies

This series is for men who are still struggling with their pornography addiction. It’s for men who haven’t made much progress and feel like they can’t stop the cycle. If you’re still slipping here and there, or if you’ve been stuck in a relapse, this series is for you.

Overcoming unwanted fantasies is a vital part of your reboot. You’re not going to make much progress in your reboot until you let go of these fetishes. I’m going to cover two techniques you can use to overcome your unwanted fantasies and move forward with your reboot.


What counts as an unwanted fantasy? When you’re done with your orgasm, an unwanted fantasy leaves you feeling: 

  • Disgusted with yourself
  • Like you’re not a normal person
  • Self-loathing for having this fantasy
  • Like the fetish or fantasy is a deviant behavior

I want to stress that you’re not alone if you’re still stuck watching these unwanted fantasies. Men who struggle with pornography addiction usually find themselves watching different types of porn over time. What aroused you when you first started watching pornography likely isn’t as exciting as it was before. 

Eventually, you might find yourself watching things you wouldn’t have even thought of at first. If your fetishes or fantasies leave you feeling uncomfortable after you’ve orgasmed, you’re at the point of unwanted fantasies. Most of us progress through various fetishes until we’re watching things we would have never imagined ourselves watching before.

So how can you overcome them? That’s what this series is about.

The first technique you can use to overcome unwanted fantasies is masturbation. 

Yep. You read that right. You can use masturbation to destroy your unwanted fantasies.

Again, this technique isn’t for everyone. If you’re making progress in your reboot this post isn’t for you. It’s not an excuse to slip. You can’t use this as a cop-out to go deeper into your fantasy. This is for men still stuck at the beginning of their reboot. But how can you use masturbation to overcome your unwanted fantasies?

How to Use Masturbation to Overcome Unwanted Fantasies

First, you need to accept that this particular fantasy is unwanted. Sit down and spend some time thinking about the fantasy you want to let go of. For example, maybe you’re a straight man who watches gay pornography but you’re not actually gay. This is one of many different examples I could use.

Once again, this technique is only for men who are still struggling to stop their behaviors. It assumes you’re in the middle of a slip because you can only carry out the second step the next time you’re masturbating to your unwanted fantasy. 

The second step happens in two parts. 

First, once you’re masturbating to an unwanted type of pornography, switch your focus right before orgasm. Shift your focus to a fantasy that you’re okay with when you’re about to climax. This can be anything you find acceptable. For example, think about sex with your current partner or someone you’ve had sex with in the past and finish with this in mind. 

At this moment you might normally feel disgusted with yourself. Since you’ve switched your focus, though, you should hopefully feel more comfortable. It might not be the best orgasm you could have had but it was better than finishing yourself off to the unwanted fantasy.

This next part is key. As soon as you’re limp I want you to immediately begin the unwanted fantasy again. This means if you were watching pornography with that unwanted fetish, I want you to go back to whatever you were looking at. 

Now I want you to watch it again for about 10 minutes and don’t change it to anything else, regardless of how uncomfortable you feel. It doesn’t matter what your thoughts are or how awkward you might feel. I just want

 you to watch it while you’re in the limp state.

Each time you find yourself slipping or relapsing to an unwanted fantasy I want you to do the same thing. Switch your focus from the unwanted fantasy to one you’re comfortable with right before you finish. Then go back and watch it over again after you’re limp.

After you try this for a while, you’re going to notice that your unwanted fantasies become less preferable. You’re going to lean more toward your desirable fantasy and away from the uncomfortable, unwanted one.

If you find this strategy isn’t helpful for you, though, there’s another approach you can try. There is a way out of the pornography cycle, brothers, I promise you that. You don’t have to feel controlled by your unwanted fantasies any longer. Stay here with the Porn Reboot group and you’ll uncover the parts of the system that work for you.

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