Discover 7 Secrets To Eliminate Porn Addiction Forever

Porn Addiction Effect

Porn Addiction Effect

The Power of Relationships in Avoiding High-Risk Relapse Situations

Men in the Porn Reboot program are above-average men.

We don’t settle for less than pursuing the best version of ourselves here in the group. We didn’t leave our out-of-control behaviors behind to remain in that mediocre state. Instead, men in the group build up all areas of their lives to become better men than they ever were before.

Part of being an above-average man means you’re going to be in high-risk relapse situations from time to time. You didn’t learn to control your behavior just to sit at home for the rest of your life, did you? Not at all. You don’t have to live a monk’s life now that you’re leaving pornography and out-of-control sexual behavior behind.

Since you can’t avoid high-risk situations, you need to plan for them ahead of time. You want to be able to go out with your buddies if you’re invited to a bachelor party. You want to be able to go on a date and have a drink or two. You want to be able to crank out long hours on something that you’re passionate about. So how are you going to face these experiences when they come up? 

Relationships play a powerful role in helping you avoid high-risk relapse situations. Learning to leverage the power of relationships is an important part of the reboot process. How can you make the most of the relationships in your life?

Identify and remove relationships that cause stress, pressure you to break boundaries, or make you feel negative

Many of the high-risk relapse situations involve other people that you’ve acted out with in the past. This means people who interrupt the things that are a vital part of your reboot. It might mean your buddies who participate in things that don’t align with your new lifestyle. Maybe it’s the woman who you keep on the side and continue flirting with even though you’re in a relationship. 

Whatever these high-risk relationships might be, you need to identify them and remove them from your life. They’re only going to drag you down in the long run and leave you more at risk of relapsing. These negative relationships are not with the stress, pressure, and negativity they bring. If you want to avoid acting out, you need to remove these people from your life.

Build up your reboot circle

Leaning on a single person for accountability isn’t good enough. Relying on just one person to support you is not fair to either of you. Sometimes that person isn’t available for you at the moment that you need it. Maybe they’re having a bad day themselves and can’t hold space for you. If you only have one source of support during your reboot it’s not sufficient to avoid relapsing.

You need to build up a reboot circle instead. Your reboot circle is a group of individuals to whom you can reach out for support in your reboot. It’s better to have a group of people available for accountability and support than one single person. Your group should include people who hold you accountable, help you maintain boundaries, and walk by you through difficult times. 

Who will you reach out to when you experience strong urges? Who can you rely on to take your calls when you’re in a tough situation? Who will you go to when you have uncomfortable things you need to talk about? Consider each of these things when building your reboot circle.

The men in your reboot circle should understand where you’re coming from so they can support you in the right way. You can include men with a variety of experiences so you have different people to go to for different experiences. Ultimately, your reboot circle should consist of people who you can trust and rely on to be there when you need them and vice versa.

Surround yourself with the right people

Once you have an idea of who you want in your reboot circle, you must ask for their support. I don’t mean a half-hearted informal request for accountability. I mean an assertive, clear request for support and accountability as you move forward in your reboot.

The best way to get commitment from people you’re considering is to ask them directly, “Can I count on you for this?” It develops a strong sense of obligation to one another that you’ll step up and follow through when urges arise.

If approaching men in this manner sounds daunting at the moment, that’s okay. But I want you to sit down and do some writing about that block. Write out what it will take for you to be willing to ask these men to be a part of your circle. List out all the things getting in the way, every excuse that runs through your mind.

“They’re already too busy.”

“I don’t want to obligate them.”

“They’re going to judge me.”

“I’ll feel like I’m just taking from them and not giving anything back.”

Write down every thought that crosses your mind until you’re ready to ask them. As you write your thoughts out, you’ll realize that none of them are as powerful as the risk that relapse poses in your life. If you truly want to avoid high-risk relapse situations, you’ll step up and ask for help. You’ll reach out to men who you trust and request their support in this experience.

One of the best places to find men to support you in your reboot is in the Porn Reboot Facebook group. The group is filled with men who are in various stages of their reboot, from the very beginning days to men who have years free from their behaviors. Feel free to drop in and join us, let us know where you’re at, and ask any questions you may have.

The power of relationships is a critical component of the Porn Reboot process and one you can’t neglect. There are hundreds of men who understand what you’re going through and are ready to help you as they’ve been helped in the past!

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Having a Partner with Porn Addiction

Addictions are destructive to those suffering from them, and equally so for their partners and their relationship.

If you have a partner who’s struggling with porn addiction, here are some ways that their habit has affected your relationship:

  1. The sex has reduced in quality or disappeared from the relationship. There’s no connection, or your partner seems completely absent.
  2. Your partner’s spending too much time alone online. He’s isolating himself often and it’s become habitual.
  3. He’s become very critical and judgmental of different aspects of your life. This can include your physique, lifestyle, and many other things he previously never commented on.
  4. You feel like your partner’s set unrealistic standards for you and that no matter what you do, you’re never good enough for him.
  5. He’s developed new sexual interests, maybe becoming rougher in bed or desiring sexual acts that didn’t interest him before.
  6. Your partner’s become much more private and secretive. He changes passwords on his devices and never leaves them around you. 
  7. There are inconsistencies in the stories your partner tells you. And when you call him out on it, he acts overly defensive about that.
  8. He’s become detached and cold. You feel that your partner’s much more distant and it’s become obvious that there’s no connection between you.
  9. Your partner won’t directly acknowledge that there’s a problem or he starts blaming it on something else.
  10. Sometimes, when you reach out to him, he flips the conversation on you and accuses you of being overly emotional, needy, or nagging.

If you’ve seen these symptoms in play and you’re pretty sure that your partner has a problem with pornography, there’s one crucial question to answer: 

What do you do next?

There is good and bad news about the situation.

The bad news is that you can’t make anyone overcome or stop their addiction. They need to go all-in themselves.

And the good news is that there’s nothing wrong with you and fixing your partner’s issues isn’t your burden.

The best thing to do is set clear boundaries and stop yourself from going all-in. Shelter yourself from being hurt and stay level-headed. 

That’s how you’ll manage to sort through the situation.

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Struggling With Anxiety

There’s a root cause of your porn addiction.

And it’s the same cause that makes you unable to quit pornography.

So, what is it?

It’s anxiety. 

And more specifically, anxiety around women.

The vast majority of men who struggle with porn have felt anxious around women they’re attracted to. This usually shows up in adolescence, but it never goes away for most porn addicts.

If you don’t address your anxiety about speaking and engaging with attractive women, it’s going to follow you into your 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond. You’ll never live it down.

Statistically, you’ve likely seen over 500 women since you were 17 that you wanted to talk to but didn’t. Unfortunately, your brain is keeping track of all that and it stays in the records.

So, what can we do about this anxiety?

The first thing we have to realize is that many guys use that feeling as an excuse for general anxiety. And for most of us, anxiety around women is the root cause we magnify into a bigger thing.

We try to medicate the anxiety with porn, masturbation, alcohol, and even drugs. But that’s not the solution. 

In my case, I medicated that anxiety through alcohol. I only realized through my recovery that the anxiety I was medicating with in my early 20s was the same that I experienced when I was 16. 

So, make no mistake, dealing with anxiety around women is tough – it might even be one of the toughest things you’ve ever done. And the reason for this is the very nature of the relationship between men and women and the inevitable rejection that will happen from time to time.

That’s why you’ll have to learn how to handle rejection and you’ll also need to understand how women think and respond to men. 

Understanding these things is a crucial part of your masculinity and recovery. But here’s the critical thing:

You must understand that you can act in spite of your anxiety. And that’s your best chance to overcome it.

Do away with your denial, justifications, and excuses.

Accept your anxiety… and act despite it!

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The One Missing Ingredient

When I was trying to end my porn habit, I always assumed that my success relied on a combination of factors.

Namely willpower, self-discipline, spiritual faith, and having large goals.

It took me quite some time to discover that this wasn’t enough. I was missing one crucial thing, and that’s what I want to tell you about today.

But first, let me tell you how my initial efforts ended up.

Moving from the starting point of willpower, self-discipline, faith, and goals, I tried everything. I wanted to get out of porn so badly and I was scared of becoming stuck in that messed up life of mine.

Here’s the thing… 

On their own, all of the factors produced some results, but not anything lasting.

Willpower would get me through the first 30 days, after which I’d end up sexually frustrated, edging or touching myself, and eventually masturbating.

Self-discipline was better in the sense that becoming super-focused on my career made sure I was simply too busy to masturbate. Unfortunately, I didn’t know how to sustain it and make it a part of my lifestyle. 

It was pretty much the same with other individual factors. My porn addiction ran so deep that there would always come a time when I gave into it.

The breakthrough came when I discovered that missing ingredient… 


This is the thing every man who’s been trying to quit porn for years misses in his recovery toolkit. And we miss it because we’re, well, men.

We think we’re so damn capable of ending our porn addiction on our own that we try it for decades without thinking about reaching out.

In fact, some of us might not even know what accountability means. 

Well, to clear that out, accountability is the obligation to accept responsibility for our actions and disclose the results transparently. 

It consists of three parts that are all self-explanatory:

Visibility, clarity, and activity.

Accountability is what prevents minor problems from becoming bigger. And it’s the best opportunity and just the tool you need to finally become free from your porn addiction.

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Being Prepared During Relapse Prevention

Today’s post is a quick one – I want to run through another fast exercise with you.

Grab a piece of paper and a pen and write down your answers. I’m going to give you a few different scenarios that have led to relapses in my experience. I want you to rate them on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being no risk of relapse and 10 being 100% certain that you’ll relapse over it.

  1. After a fight with a significant other
  2. Drinking or using other substances while going out with friends
  3. Being criticized at work
  4. Watching a movie or TV show that involves one of your behaviors
  5. Communicating with a woman whom you’re attracted to but haven’t had sex with
  6. Experiencing significant stress at work or at homme
  7. Feeling bored during the day

Again, I want you to rate each of these on a scale of 0 to 10 and look at your answers. It’s easy to tell yourself that you can get through any situation you’re going to come up against. Actually following through on that is something else entirely. 

Most of these situations will happen at one point or another, and many of them more than once. This is why it’s important for you to be proactive with your relapse prevention plan. You’re going to come up against all sorts of difficult experiences in life and they’ll put your recovery at risk if you aren’t ready.

Doing these quick self-reflective exercises on a consistent basis is part of building a strong foundation for your reboot. Don’t underestimate the power these quick assignments can have. Along with surrounding yourself with support in the Porn Reboot Facebook group, completing these exercises will make a massive difference in your reboot!

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Should You Wait for a Relationship While Rebooting?

Today’s post comes from a question from one of our brothers in the group.

Everyone brings great questions to the table and I always like to bring my favorites over to the blog and share them with everyone. He asks:

“Hey brothers, I just needed some feedback. I find myself using the rationalization of I can’t be serious with someone yet because I’m still recovering. I have relationship issues and there are some thought patterns that I have which I need to sort out. I don’t want to bring my issues into a relationship and jeopardize it. 

“Do any of you have the same thoughts? Is there ever a time that you can safely say that you are truly ready for a relationship? Now, bear in mind. I’ve never had a serious relationship before, and this fact plays a big part in all of this. Please let me know what you think.”

First, I do want to say that a lot of guys have it right. They recognize that they might end up hurting somebody that they get into a relationship with until they develop some sort of control over their behavior. I’m very proud of men who have that foresight because they’ve learned from the mistakes of other men.

Porn addiction and compulsive sexual behavior cause a ton of problems in relationships. When a man in a relationship struggles with porn addiction, he leaves his partner with a lot of pain and betrayal trauma. The man himself also feels a lot of guilt when he finally comes clean in his relationship because he wasn’t honest upfront about every aspect of his life. 

Lots of men wonder when they’ll know whether they’re finally ready for a serious relationship. Here’s the thing, though. It’s not like you can go out and buy a ticket for one. You don’t just wake up one morning and decide that today is going to be the day you get into a serious relationship. It’s not something that happens overnight.

So how do you know whether you’re ready for a relationship?

Decide whether you want a serious relationship

There are some things to consider before you go out and pursue one, though. You need to determine whether it’s the right time for you. Are you truly interested in starting a serious relationship right now or would you rather date casually? If you prefer casual dating then it’s not time for you to look at serious partnerships right now.

Take some women out on dates

Once you decide you want something serious then you have to start the dating process. And by dating process I mean taking a few different women out. You shouldn’t get into a serious, committed relationship with the first woman who goes on a date with you. That’s not how this works. You need to take time to meet different women and determine whether the two of you are a true compatible fit.

You need to be worth dating

It doesn’t matter how badly you want a serious relationship if you aren’t worth dating in the first place. There are a lot of men who think they can show up exactly as they are without putting in any work. If you’re overcoming a porn addiction, though, you probably have a few adjustments to make. Start working on your belief system, your physical appearance, and your lifestyle before pursuing any sort of serious relationship.

Continue building your reboot capital

Building reboot capital is an important part of both your reboot as well as making yourself worth dating. You’re growing in all areas of your life as you build reboot capital, from your diet to your fitness to your career to your habits. You must continue building your reboot capital as you start dating. If it falls to the side, you put yourself at risk of a relapse.

Find someone worth spending time with

The most important part of getting into a serious relationship is finding someone who you feel is worth your time. The further you get in your reboot, the more confident you become. You finally begin to value the life you built and you won’t be willing to spend your time with just anyone. You want to make sure you’re spending time with a woman who you feel is worth it, not just any woman who gives you the time of day.

Stay connected to your reboot

Once you start pursuing a serious relationship, don’t forget to stay connected to your reboot. Remember the importance of your morning recovery time and keeping in touch with your accountability partner. If you aren’t committed to following through on your reboot, your behavior won’t change and you’ll end up hurting your partner. You want to stay plugged into the Porn Reboot Facebook group and keep your reboot at the front of your mind!

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Rebuilding Self-Esteem While Rebooting

Rebuilding self-esteem while rebooting is a vital part of your reboot process.

First, you need it to cut the connection you have with your abusive porn addiction. If you have low self-esteem you won’t see much reason to do anything about your compulsive behavior.

Second, it’s going to show other people how you want to be treated. When you have self-compassion you won’t allow other people to treat you poorly. If someone disrespects you, you’ll have the confidence to let them know that you won’t tolerate that type of treatment. You’ll also have the confidence to apologize to someone when you disrespect them, too.

Once you learn how to build self-compassion, you begin to treat others with respect and kindness because that’s the way you treat yourself. You stop dismissing other people’s feelings and understand how to discern their emotions.

Before you can reach this point, though, you need to learn how to rebuild your self-esteem. It may feel overwhelming or impossible to get there. You’ve had such a terrible relationship with yourself because of your compulsive behavior. It’s completely changed the way you feel about yourself. So what can you do?

A Self-Esteem Exercise

I want you to grab a pen and some paper right and do this exercise right now. Don’t just sit there and think about your answer. You need to take some action and put pen to paper for this to work. 

Alright, got your supplies? Now I want you to write out your proudest accomplishments. You don’t need to overthink this, just write it out. Start with, “My proudest accomplishment is…” and write from there.

Then I want you to write, “I am happiest when…” and write some more. Write down the moment or moments when you feel the happiest. I don’t want you to write that you’re happiest when having sex because that’s mostly dopamine. When are you truly the happiest?

For me, I’m happiest when I wake up next to my girlfriend after a great nap or a good night’s sleep. I look at her and think about how fortunate I am which triggers an outpouring of gratitude for all the other incredible things in my life.

Now I want you to write about your favorite physical feature. What do you feel your best physical feature is? Don’t think about how negatively you feel about yourself. Focus on the thing you like the most. Pick one. Is it your calves? Is it your jawline? Is it your broad shoulders? Write something down, whatever your favorite feature is.

Next, write down something you did that you didn’t think you could do. “Something I did that I never imagined I could do is…” and keep writing. Maybe you never thought you could ride a bicycle or swim or start a business or get married. There’s something in your life that you never dreamed was possible yet you still did it.

Now I want you to put yourself in the shoes of your friends and family and write down what you think they like best about you. If I asked your friends and family what they think is the best part of you, what would they say?

Here’s where I want you to pause. If you don’t know the answer to this question, I want you to email someone right now. Send them an email letting them know that you’re working on a self-improvement exercise. Explain that you have some homework that involves asking them for three things they like best about you. Thank them for their time and send it.

Pick a few close friends and family members, four or five, and ask for their input. It’s a powerful part of the exercise for two reasons. 1. You’ll probably receive some answers you’d never have thought of yourself and 2. It’s great to see some similarities from the various people you ask. It’s a confidence builder to read these things from people you care about.

Now go back to your paper. Finally, I want you to write down something kind that you did for someone. Whether you realized it was a kind thing while doing it or they let you know afterward, write about a kind deed you did for another person.

If you’ve read this far and haven’t written anything yet, stop reading right now. Get a pen and some paper and start writing. A successful reboot comes down to the action you’re willing to take. If you can’t follow a simple writing assignment, you’re going to struggle with your reboot. I guarantee it.

I’ll give you a quick outline of the questions to write about again:

  • “My proudest accomplishment is…”
  • “I am happiest when…”
  • “My best physical feature is…”
  • “Something I did that I never thought I could do is…”
  • “My friends and family think the three best things about me are…”
  • “Something kind I did for another person was…”

Sit down with those questions, brother, and write out your answers. Take as much time, ink, and paper as you need to answer them fully. Once you have your answers, sit back and read over what you wrote. Chances are there are quite a few things to appreciate about yourself. And while this isn’t going to give you an immediate self-esteem boost, it’ll surely set you on the track to developing the self-compassion you need to keep moving forward.

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Reboot Relationships

I’ve noticed that when it comes to the relationships of our typical clients, some relationships are great while others suffer.

Most of the men I work with are great at maintaining the relationships that pertain to their careers. Relationships with their clients, customers, employees, or coworkers are good because they see these people every day. They understand how to navigate the different scenarios that involve these other people.

Oftentimes they’re also good at maintaining other long-term relationships with childhood friends, close college buddies, and some family members. These long-standing relationships are important and easy to maintain because these people have been around for years.

People often assume the most problematic relationship for men struggling with compulsive sexual behavior is the one with their girlfriend or wife. Even with the problems that come with these relationships, though, they’re not the most challenging type.

Believe it or not, the relationships I find men in the Porn Reboot system struggling with the most are new relationships with other men. Does this apply to you?

It’s hard for a lot of men in the program to put themselves out there. This might seem surprising but a lot of successful men have maintained the same core group of friends for years. There’s nothing wrong with having that set group but problems arise when you’re unwilling to step out and make new friends.

This hesitation tends to stem from the shame and guilt of your out-of-control behavior. Over time you put yourself in the position where your circle becomes your family, your close male friends, the people you work with, and nothing more. Developing newer relationships is off the table, even when your existing relationships are dysfunctional.

But how do you overcome this?

Fix Your Relationship With Yourself

You need to have a good relationship with yourself before you can ever form a good relationship with another person. When you develop a compulsive behavior with pornography, masturbation, or sex, though, you do not have a good relationship with yourself. 

If you look at it a certain way, your addiction takes on the role of an abusive partner. It controls your every move and dominates your life. It doesn’t let you do anything healthy for yourself. Every time you try to engage in the appropriate self-care, it overtakes you. 

There’s that voice in your head telling you, “Hey, listen, you don’t need to do this meditation thing. Why are you calling a friend? All you need is me. Let’s hang out, open some tabs, and do that thing we enjoy.”

If you want to build healthy relationships with others again, you have to fix that relationship with yourself. This process starts with cutting the ties you have to the abusive part of yourself. It’s not an easy process but it’s worth doing if you want to overcome your out-of-control behavior.

A Reboot Relationships Exercise

I have a quick exercise you can do right now. This is all about building self-compassion. Grab a pen and paper and write down a mistake you’ve made that left you feeling inferior or embarrassed or ashamed. Write down every detail of this thing that takes up space in your head and makes you feel guilty and shameful.

Now I want you to imagine you have a close friend who made this same mistake. You love this person unconditionally and you want the best for them. You see them going through this terrible pain, feeling so inferior and beaten down by this mistake. 

So I want you to write a letter to them. What would you say to this friend? How would you approach helping them feel better? Which suggestions would you make? I want you to put pen to paper and write a letter to this friend who shared this mistake with you.

Once you’re done writing the letter, I want you to read it back to yourself. How does it feel to read that letter to yourself?  If you take the time to follow through with this exercise, I’d also like you to email it to me, too, with the title “Reboot Relationships.” I’ll read your letter and respond to it. 

Exercises like these are the first step to rebuilding your self-esteem. Rebuilding your self-esteem is the only way you’ll learn to form healthy relationships with new people in your life as well as strengthen the existing relationships you already have. In a few days I’ll let you know how you can continue working on your self-esteem.

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You’re Either Smart or Hardworking

I was never smart.

I had a low IQ when I was younger and, honestly, I probably still do. I felt I would never be a success in any of my endeavors. From my academics to my career, my relationships to my fitness, I felt like I wasn’t going to accomplish anything. I know this doesn’t sound like the most motivating thing but that was my reality when I was younger.

And here’s the thing: it’s the reality for many men out there. Maybe you’re like that, too. Maybe you’re a man who feels you’re “destined” to be mediocre.

I had way too many things working against me by the time I was 18. I was already years deep into my pornography addiction I had dyslexia and other learning abilities which placed me in a curriculum for academically challenged kids. I had rock-bottom self-esteem and lived in an environment that  reinforced my shame.

Then I started reading books on personal development and I truly believe these books saved my life. While reading I realized something: I might not have been the smartest person but I could easily become a hard worker. I didn’t have the natural smarts but I could develop the work ethic I needed to get ahead.

Thus my mantra began: You’re either smart or hardworking.

Find What You Love and Let It Kill You

I started building my work ethic in my early twenties while selling Bibles door-to-door. Yes, Bibles – those books you can get for free from a dresser drawer in a hotel. Mind you they were nice, high-quality study Bibles, but people still said I was stupid for doing it.

Get this, though – I didn’t feed into their seeing me as stupid. I just put my head down, got to work, and sold as many Bibles as I could with my team. By the end of my career, my team and I ended up selling between $1.2 and $1.7 million worth of Bibles. Yeah, those books you can get for free.

Once I discovered a path out of pornography addiction, it lit a fire inside me. I took the work ethic I honed as a Bible salesman and applied it to helping other men overcome their porn addiction. It felt like I found a way out of slavery to the cycle and I wanted to share it with everyone I could. 

Again, people told me it was a dumb idea. I ignored all the negativity, though, and started working with guys. I kept my mantra at the front of my mind: I’m not the smartest but I can be the hardest worker. Every day Monday through Sunday I got on the phone with guys and started helping them control their behavior.

I trained myself to get deep, sufficient sleep for 2 hours per night. I worked until 3:00 or 4:00 AM, got into bed and dropped almost immediately into a deep sleep state, and then woke up at 5:00 or 6:00 AM. I’d hit the gym for about 90 minutes, get to work for 16 to 20 hours, and then do it all again. Over and over. 

It was an intense grind but I told myself I was going to be the hardest worker. I proved to myself that I didn’t have to be the smartest but I could work the hardest and still get to where I wanted and needed to be.

Porn Addiction Crushes Your Work Ethic

Over my years of working with men, I’ve found something we all have in common: porn addiction crushed our work ethic. I don’t care whether you’re a doctor, a lawyer, a hedge fund manager, a financial analyst, or a software engineer. I don’t care. If you’re struggling with porn addiction, you’re not as smart as you think you are anymore.

You destroyed your prefrontal cortex, the area that regulates decision-making, during your years of porn and compulsive masturbation. Other parts of your brain were negatively impacted by your addiction. At this point, you have no other choice but to work hard at certain things.

Don’t let the things that come easy to you fool you, either. You might still be able to do the basics of your job, make some money, and live a decent life. But other aspects of your life are probably more important. If not, why are you here reading this?

The True Impact of Your Addiction

Once you understand what amazing machines your brain and body are, it’s going to accomplish amazing things for you. More importantly, though, it’s going to help you accomplish amazing things for other people. It’s bad when your body and mind can’t support you, but it’s downright tragic when you can’t offer things to others because of your behavior.

Too many men are stuck trying to get through their days without slipping. It’s even worse for those who are fathers, entrepreneurs, and professionals. These men have huge responsibilities to their kids, their wives, their families, their businesses, their shareholders, their employees, and their clients. But they’ve lost the ability to serve others.

If controlling your behavior comes down to some hard work, what do you have to lose?

Rebuilding Your Work Ethic Through Your Biochemistry

Consider the areas of your life where you’re seriously lagging. You’re neglecting certain aspects. Even if things seem put together on the outside and you’re receiving accolades for your accomplishments, you and I know the truth. 

Maybe it’s something to do with your integrity or your values. It could be as simple as the fact that you’re cruising when you could be doing so much better. But it’s now time to take control of your work ethic because you’ve left the rational, smarter, decision-making part of yourself behind.

You’re either smart or you’re hardworking and if you’re anything like the rest of us here at Porn Reboot, it’s time to get working. Your biochemistry is the key to your success in the Porn Reboot system. Learning to work with your biology is something we talk about often here and it’s crucial if you want to start rebuilding your work ethic.

Check out some more posts here on the blog, watch a few videos on our YouTube channel, tune into our podcast on your preferred podcast platform, and join us in our free Facebook group. We have hundreds of free resources available to help you on the path back to success. 

You never need to do the work alone, either – you have the entire Porn Reboot group behind you every step of the way.

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Reboot Success and Failure

How do you draw the line between success and failure in your reboot?

What does failure mean to you and what does success look like?

Men who are working to end their out-of-control behavior with porn and masturbation often have a goal attached to it. Maybe you hope that you’ll have a happier, more fulfilling relationship with your partner once you control your behavior. You might think that you’ll find freedom from shame and guilt on the other side of your reboot. Perhaps you believe that you’re going to accomplish your physical goals, find peace of mind, or focus on your career.

However, when you slip or relapse it all seems to fall out of your reach. It feels like all of these goals slip away and you have to start over again, worried you’ll never accomplish what you’re ultimately hoping to do.

I want to challenge that belief, though. I want you to reconsider the way you look at what success and failure in your reboot mean.

Too many guys come in here thinking that the only path to reboot success is never slipping again. They think that Porn Reboot will wipe away their desires immediately, that they’ll never deal with an urge to act out again. 

If this is what success looks like to you, brother, I’m here to tell you that you’re wrong. Sure, some guys have never slipped, but I find that slips are a common part of the experience in the beginning. You’re working to rewire your brain after years of pornography addiction and compulsive behavior. It’s not all going to change at once.

Guys who carry this mentality are the ones who lose all hope when they slip. They’re the guys who feel their goals are out of reach when they relapse, falsely believing that they lost all their progress. They fear they’re going to be stuck in this painful cycle forever.

I want to challenge you to look at it differently. We’ve talked before about the idea that slips are data and nothing more. A slip doesn’t mean that you’re a bad person, that you’re not going to accomplish anything, that you’ll never overcome your behavior. A slip is simply a slip. It’s a side effect of the process of rewiring your brain away from porn and masturbation.

You need to reframe your view on it. Having a slip doesn’t mean you’re a failure. It doesn’t mean that you’re a horrible person with no willpower who doesn’t deserve to reboot. It means you’re a man who’s on a path to better himself and is working one day at a time to get closer to the man he knows he’s capable of becoming.

If you’re still having a hard time and feel like a failure, you can join us in the free Porn Reboot Facebook group. You’re not the first person to struggle with these feelings and I guarantee you won’t be the last. Rebooting is a long process that takes dedication and drive, but anyone who sets their mind to it can reboot. It helps to have support along the way, though, so come join us in the group and let us know where you’re at.

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