Tips for High Performers: Routine, Systems, and Accountability

Today marks the final post in our series on tips for high performers working on their Porn Reboot. We’ve covered things that hinder high performers when they’re starting out and how you as a higher performer can set yourself up for reboot success. If this is your first time hearing about the series, you can find the previous posts below:

Whether you’re a high performer looking to find out what’s blocking you, or a regular guy working hard to become a high performer, you’re in the right place. Every man can overcome their pornography addiction and compulsive sexual behaviors as long as they have the right system in place. 

If you haven’t already, read the four posts above before reading through these last three reboot tips for high performers. It’ll outline everything you need to know to implement the final suggestions I have today. Once you’re caught up on the series you’re ready to dive into today’s post.

1. Routine

Setting up and sticking to a routine is the key to your success. You need to commit to your routine, especially as a high-performing individual. Your schedule is probably changing constantly but your routine needs to be a non-negotiable part of your life. 

This starts by setting aside a time when you outline your intentions and establish your schedule for the week. For example, every Sunday evening I look at my plans for the week, and figure out how I’m going to hit my daily standards. These standards include my daily recovery time, work, exercise, diet, and time spent with my loved ones.

Success in your reboot relies on being as prepared as possible. Preparation is especially crucial for high-performance men who have a dynamic schedule every week. You don’t want to find yourself in a situation that leaves you vulnerable to a slip or relapse.

Setting your routine for the week ahead of time is key to ensuring you’re ready. Having a routine doesn’t necessarily mean you’re doing the same thing at the same time week after week. This isn’t really possible for high performers whose schedules shift regularly. Your routine should be a set of actions, like those I talked about above, that you’re committed to carrying out each day. 

You also need to spend some time reflecting on the previous week. As you’re planning for the upcoming week, consider how your plan for the past week went. What parts did you stick to? Did you get in your recovery time each day? Where is there room for improvement? Take your findings and apply them to your schedule in the upcoming week.

2. Systems

If you’ve been around for a while, you’re familiar with the necessity of a system here at Porn Reboot. Your success relies on the strength of the system you’ve implemented. Systems work when it comes to your reboot because they’re a set of actions and standards that stay the same. They’re consistent, predictable, and reliable. They work time after time no matter what.

Have you implemented the Porn Reboot system in your life yet? If not, what does your current system look like? How is it working for you? If you’re stuck in a cycle of slips and relapses, it might be time to find a new system that’s more effective.

Effective systems come with calculable results you can expect to see when you implement them. That’s what makes the Porn Reboot system such a popular system. It works for every man who’s willing to do the work it takes to carry out day after day, month after month, year after year. 

High-performance men need a high-performance system if they want to be successful. The Porn Reboot system is clear, concise, and straightforward. There are no frills, no speculations, and nothing that can’t be applied directly to your life today. It works with your brain and your biology to teach you to control your out-of-control sexual behaviors.

3. Accountability

Your routine and system are the building blocks for a successful reboot. But trying to go it alone without support from others is a lonely and tempting road. It leaves you open to making poor decisions that set you back in your reboot.

Finding a community to hold you accountable is my final tip for high performers. Your compulsive sexual behaviors likely kept you isolated and on your own for years. You can’t be successful in your reboot if you try to do it on your own, though. Accountability is vital for long-term reboot success. 

It’s common for high performers to spend their time in solitude and trust only themselves. But when you’re trying to control your out of control behavior, you need to lean on a community that understands what you’re battling with. 

The Porn Reboot community is a strong group of men who know the challenges of porn addiction and compulsive sexual behavior. We’ve been trapped in the cycle ourselves and have found a way out that works for all of us. We build one another up and hold each other accountable. 

Porn Reboot isn’t only about quitting porn and controlling your behavior. It’s about overcoming everything holding you back in life. Everyone in the group pushes each other to become the best version of ourselves that we can. Even high performers need support on this path to surpass their potential.
If you’re ready to commit to making a change in your life, join us. Start out by reading through some of the blog posts, browsing the YouTube channel, and becoming a member of the free Porn Reboot Facebook group. There’s hope for you, no matter what’s held you back in the past. Your path to freedom is right before your eyes.

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